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For this you need the atomic (molecular) mass of I2. Take the number of grams and divide it by the Atomic Mass. Multiply by one mole for units to cancel. I2=253.8 grams

12.7 grams I2 / (253.8 grams) = .0500 moles I2

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Q: What is the number of moles in 12.7 grams of iodine?
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Iodine is a non metal element. Atomic mass number of it is 127.

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Number of neutrons = Mass number - Number of protons = 127 - 53 = 74

What is the atomic number and atomic mass of iodine?

The atomic number of iodine (I) is 53.The atomic weight of I is 126.90 grams per mole.Iodine is a diatomic molecule, I2.See the Web Links to the left of this answer for a periodic table with more information about this element!

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Number of neutrons = Mass number - Number of protons = 127 - 53 = 74

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gram-Equivalent of iodine is 127 because its molecular weight is 2(127) and 2 electron change involve in the redox titration

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Iodine is a non meta element. Atomic mass of it is 127.6.

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An isotope of iodine with 74 neutrons would have a mass number of 53 +74 = 127. Therefore its symbol would be I -127 or 127 C 53. 127 and 53 should be written as superscript and subscript respectively before writing the chemical symbol of iodine when using the later (127 C 53).Ê 53 is the atomic number of iodine.ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ

What element has the atomic weight of 127?


53 protons 74 neutrons in which element of the periodic table?

This is stable isotope of iodine - iodine-127.