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Transfer of energy to make ATP

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Q: What is the role of creatine phosphate during physical performance?
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When is creatine phosphate regenerated?

During muscle relaxation

What is commonly used to produce ATP during skeletal muscle contraction?

creatine phosphate, anaerobic cellular respiration, aerobic cellular respiration

What are 3 ways in which ATP is regenerated during skeletal muscle contraction?

During a skeletal muscle contraction, the three ways in which ATP is generated are through direct phosphorylation, anaerobic pathway and aerobic respiration. In direct phosphorylation, ADP is phosphorylated by creatine phosphate; in anaerobic pathway, glycolysis and lactic acid formation occur; and in aerobic respiration, 95% of ATP is produced.

How is ATP resynthesised?

First ATP is broken down by breaking the bond between the third and second bond between the phosphate groups in ATP. Forming a phosphate and ADP. These are then rejoined. This for example, occurs during chemiosmosis, in photosynthesis, forming again ATP.

Explain Chemical changes during muscular contractions?

The chemical changes during muscular contractions include conversion of ATP into ADP, break-down of phosphocreatine and muscle glycogen, formation of Fructose diphosphate and lactic acid and resynthesis of creatine phosphate.

What are some organic weight gainer products and supplements?

Creatine is an organic acid consisting of three amino acids. It is not a steroid and is naturally produced in the body. Creatine gives the body energy in the form of ATP, the body's primary energy source. Creatine directly affects the performance of muscles and is essential during high-intensity activity such as weightlifting.

Which event occurs during phosphate?

Phosphate is not a period of time during which an event can occur.

What does ATP do in muscle contractions?

ATP is used to create energy for the muscles by one phosphate molecule breaking off and into the muscles for energy. This then leaves ADP (Adenosine di phosphate) which is just 2 phosphate molecules. The creatine phosphate (PCr) works with the ADP to recreate ATP (3 phosphate molecules). If there is a lack of creatine phosphate in the body we will not be able to engage in anaerobic activities or at least not very effectively.

When should you take creatine during basketball season?

you should never take it

What physical changes occur during puberty and adolescence that affect physical performance in boys and girls?

Muscle growth increases giving better performance in sports for both boys and girls. Puberty is the onset of changing from child to adult in both body and brain.

What is selective redistribution of blood?

Selective redistribution of blood is an important factor in increasing performance during physical activity arteries dilate and constrict during this process

What else is released during the hydrolysis of ATP?
