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Muscle growth increases giving better performance in sports for both boys and girls. Puberty is the onset of changing from child to adult in both body and brain.

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Q: What physical changes occur during puberty and adolescence that affect physical performance in boys and girls?
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What stage of life begins at puberty and ends with physical maturity?

The stage that begins with puberty id adolescence. This is a stage where a lot of changes take place in the body.

What is the difference between puberty and adolecence?

Adolescense is ALL of the changes turning you into an adult, puberty is during adolescence and this is the physical changes of your body i.e dropping of balls, growing of the penis

The stage of physical development during adolescence is called?

Puberty is a stage of physical development during adolescence.

What are the different physical changes during puberty or adolescence?

In males, the testis get bigger. In females, there is menstruation. Also the overall body growth is huge.

Does adolescence start earlier or later than puberty?

a matter of fact some people start their adolescence maybe 10-20 years after puberty, mainly men but women they may start theirs straight away. it depends ..

How does adolescence avoid the issues of puberty?

Adolescence does not avoid the issues of puberty, every boy eventually goes through puberty unless he has been castrated or has suffered from some illness or severe physical damage to his testes. Adolescence is just the name given to the period when a youth is changing from a boy into a man, this change is a direct result of puberty.

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Which best describes Puberty - physical maturity or sexual maturity?

Puberty is better known for the sexual maturity of children. Although Puberty is the period where children grow into adults, so physical, mental and sexual maturity all happen at the same time and are classed as Puberty or adolescence.

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What is another name for puberty?


What are some physical changes during puberty?

Boy: deeper

Can you differentiate adolescence and adolescent?

Adolescence is the stage or process of transition from puberty to maturity(18-20years). Adolescent is a person in this stage of development.this period witnesses physical mental and reproductive growth of the individual.