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  1. The sun
  2. Trees and other vegetation
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1mo ago

Fossil energy is derived from Natural Resources such as coal, oil, and natural gas. These resources are formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago and were subjected to high pressure and heat over time.

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Q: What natural resource is fossil energy derived from?
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Is natural gas an energy resource?

Yes, it is a fossil fuel

Who invented natural gas energy?

No one invented it. It is a fossil fuel and a natural resource.

What type of energy resource is natural gas?

Natural gas, just like oil, is a fossil fuel

Is spandex a renewable resource?

Spandex is not a renewable resource as it is derived from petrochemicals, which are non-renewable fossil fuels. The production of spandex involves processes that are energy-intensive and have environmental impacts.

Does solar energy benefits the environment?

Yes. It uses much less energy from fossil fuels which are coal, oil, and natural gas. Instead, it uses sunlight which is a renewable resource. Fossil fuels are not a renewable resource. When Earth runs out, there is no more.

What is the definition of a natural resource?

A natural resource is a material or substance that occurs in nature and is used by humans for economic gain or basic necessities. Examples include water, timber, minerals, and fossil fuels.

Is heated water a renewable resource?

A renewable resource has the ability to reproduce using natural or biological processes. The answer to you question depends on how you are heating water if you are using solar energy to heat water than is a renewable resource but if you are using fossil fuel are energy that is produced by using fossil fuels( i.e electricity) then it is a non renewable resource.

What devices use fossil fuels as an energy resource?

Devices that use fossil fuels as an energy resource include cars, trucks, airplanes, generators, and some heating systems. These devices burn fossil fuels such as gasoline, diesel, and natural gas to produce energy for their intended purposes.

Is plastic a renewable resource?

No, plastic is not a renewable resource. It is primarily derived from nonrenewable fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas through a chemical process. Once plastic is created and used, it cannot be easily recycled back into its original form.

3 fossil fuels that make 90 percent of Australia's energy use?

Australia uses coal, oil and natural gas. These are fossil fuels. The amount of energy derived from the wind and solar is rising fast.

A natural resource used to make heat or energy?

Coal is a natural resource commonly used to generate heat and energy through combustion in power plants. It is a fossil fuel that is burned to produce steam, which then drives turbines to generate electricity.

Is coal a resource?

Yes, coal is a natural resource that is mined for energy production. It is a fossil fuel formed from decayed plant matter that has been compressed over millions of years.