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The Southern United States of America are in the Norther hemisphere of Earth. Thus when it is winter there the Southern hemisphere of the Earth is pointing towards the sun.

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Q: What part of the earth is facing the sun when it is winter in the southern US?
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Why are the night longer in winter?

Winter occurs at different times of the year for the northern and southern hemispheres, and both the seasons and duration of night are caused by the same thing! The earth rotates at a tilt in relation to how the sun faces the earth. During the winter, the sun is farther away from that part of the earth, and as such it spends more of its time facing away from the earth.

Why does the southern part of the earth have winter when the northern part has summer?

This is due to the tilt of the Earth and the equinoxes. During the northern summer months, the Earth's axis is tilted in a northward direction, toward the sun, and vice-versa for the southern hemisphere.

In US what is the season when the southern part of the earth is tiled towards the sun?

My guess is that, Its winter in US when the earth is tilted south to the sun.

How does the sun affects the seasons on earth?

In winter, the part of Earth is not facing the Sun so it makes that season we have in North America cold. In summer, that part of Earth is facing the Sun which makes it hot. Spring and Fall are seasons that nearly faces all the Sun.

How does the sun affect the seasons on earth?

In winter, the part of Earth is not facing the Sun so it makes that season we have in North America cold. In summer, that part of Earth is facing the Sun which makes it hot. Spring and Fall are seasons that nearly faces all the Sun.

The period when a given part of earth is facing the sun?

what is the period when a given part of earth is facing the sun

What season is it when the southern part of the earth is tilted towards the sun?

If you're in the southern hemisphere, then it is Summer when the southern part of the earth is tilted towards the sun. If you're in the northern hemisphere, it is Winter at that time.

How can any part of the earth have winter while being closest to the sun?

It doesn't. The part of the Earth closest to the sun is the part of the Earth experiencing Winter.

Why is it summer in the northern hemisphere at the same time it is winter in the southern hemisphere?

because the northern part of the earth tips towards the sun, obviously leaving the southern part to tip away from it, and the closer you are to the sun the warmer it is.

Why do season changes from year to year?

Because of the earth rotating. When the earth is not facing the sun in a revolution, the it becomes winter because it is colder than the other part of the world facing the sun. The side of the earth that is facing the sun has either spring or summer because it is warm.

Why is the moon visible so late at night?

Because when the earth turns part of the time the earth is facing the sun and another part of the earth is facing the moon at a part of time.

What makes climate?

One part of the earth is facing directly at one side of the earth the rays from the sun and that is what makes summer and when the rays are pointing further from the sun is winter. because the rays are harder to reach the earth.