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Ion-dipole force

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Ionic bonding between the sodium and chloride ions in NaCl is broken when the compound is dissolved in water. The partially positively charged hydrogen atoms in water molecules are attracted to the negatively charged chloride ions, and the partially negatively charged oxygen atoms are attracted to the positively charged sodium ions, allowing the ions to separate and be surrounded by water molecules.

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Q: What type of intermolecular force causes the dissolution of NaCl in water?
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Why is the dissolution of ammonium chloride an exothermic reaction?

The dissolution of ammonium chloride is an exothermic reaction because it releases energy in the form of heat. When ammonium chloride crystals are dissolved in water, the intermolecular forces between the ions and water molecules are stronger than the forces within the solid crystal lattice, resulting in the release of energy as heat.

What type of weathering causes the formation of an underground cave?

Chemical weathering, particularly the dissolution of limestone by acidic groundwater, can create underground caves. Over time, the acidic water dissolves the rock, forming cave systems.

Which fundamental force contributes to pressure in both water and the atmosphere?

The fundamental force that contributes to pressure in both water and the atmosphere is gravity. Gravity causes the weight of the water or air above a certain point to exert a force downwards, which leads to pressure at that point.

When ammonium chloride dissolves what happen to the temperature?

When ammonium chloride dissolves in water, it typically causes the temperature to decrease. This is because the dissolution process is endothermic, meaning it absorbs heat from its surroundings.

Is limestone dissolved by carbonic acid chemical or mechanical?

The dissolution of limestone by carbonic acid is a chemical process. Carbonic acid reacts with the calcium carbonate in limestone to form calcium bicarbonate, which is soluble in water. This chemical reaction causes the limestone to dissolve.

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What type of intermolecular force has water?

Hydrogens Bonds

Does water expand when heated and why?

Yes... When water is heated, the intermolecular force of attraction between water atoms become weak and they start losing the intermolecular force of attraction... at temperature known as boiling point of water this intermolecular force become so weak that water lose its state and converts into gasious state... but this expansion is not considerable... :)

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Hydrogen bonds

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This is the intermolecular force of hydrogen bonds.

Explain why oil does not dissolve in water.?

The main intermolecular forces between water molecules are hydrogen bonds which are pretty strong as far as intermolecular forces go. Between hydrocarbon chains (oil) the main intermolecular force are London force which are weaker. For two liquids to be miscible the intermolecular forces between them have to be similar in strength or they won't dissolve. Water and oil have different strengths of intermolecular bonds so don't mix.

What force of attraction is responsible for the dissolution of an ionic crystal in water?

The force of attraction responsible for the dissolution of an ionic crystal in water is the electrostatic force between the ions in the crystal and the water molecules. Water molecules surround and solvate the ions, causing them to break apart from the crystal lattice and become dispersed in the water.

What type of bond attracts one water bond to another?

In pure water, the primary intermolecular force is a hydrogen bond, which is a specific type of dipole-dipole intermolecular force with notably more energy than most dipole-dipole intermolecular forces.

Why water has this additional intermolecular force?

Hydrogen bonds between molecules

What intermolecular force gives water unique properties?

Hydrogen bonding is the intermolecular force that gives water its unique properties, such as high surface tension, cohesion, and adhesion. This force occurs between the hydrogen of one water molecule and the oxygen of another water molecule.

What is the intermolecular force that exists between Na and water?

The intermolecular force that exists between Na and water is primarily ionic bonding. When Na is placed in water, the water molecules surround the Na ions and form hydration shells due to the attraction between the positively charged Na ions and the negatively charged oxygen atoms in water molecules.

Why the dissolution of gases in water is virtually always exothermic?

Dissolution of gases in water is usually exothermic because the strong intermolecular forces in water (hydrogen bonding) help stabilize the solute molecules in the solution, releasing energy in the form of heat. The breaking of intermolecular forces within the gas molecule and the formation of new intermolecular forces with water leads to a lower energy state, resulting in an exothermic process.

Which has the strongest intermolecular force NH3 or H20?

Water (H2O) has stronger intermolecular forces than ammonia (NH3) due to hydrogen bonding in water molecules. Hydrogen bonding is a type of intermolecular force that is stronger than the dipole-dipole interactions present in ammonia molecules.