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Q: What type of organism release oxygen?
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Which organism release oxygen into the atmosphere?


Why do we have to inhale oxygen to survive?

oxygen is required in a process known as aerobic respiration. This is where an organism breaks down sugar step by step using oxygen to release energy which is used elsewhere in the organism.

What type of organism metabolizes food to make energy in the absence of oxygen?

i think da answer is oxygen and dat all

What type of organism uses and produces both oxygen and carbon dioxide?

Zach and Damion

Organisms must maintain what type of internal environment?

Oxygen. But an organism will not survive long on just oxygen.

What type of organism is oxygen produced?

Algae , plants and trees generate Oxygen as a waste product through the process of photosynthesis ; see related link .

The type of gas that is released into the air after photosynthesis?

Plants release oxygen into the atmosphere as a by-product of photosynthesis.

What is Anaerobic?

An anaerobe is an organism that grows without air. The organism can only live in oxygen-free conditions. If oxygen is present, the organism could die.

In which organism is aerobic respiration found?

An organism that uses aerobic respiration is one that requires oxygen for growth. The scientific name for this type of organism is obligate aerobes, but you may know them as plants, animals, and humans.

What chemical release to atmosphere when dead organism burned?

Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere.

How is oxygen used by living organism?

In plants, oxygen is a bi-product of photosynthesis which we(humans and animals) breathe in. Our oxygen is used for respiration and helps with the release of energy within our cells(intra-cellular respiration).

What type of organism is carbon dioxide oxygen?

Neither carbon dioxide nor oxygen are organisms. Oxygen is a diatomic molecule consisting of two oxygen atoms. Carbon dioxide is a compound consisting of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.