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How did they get separated in the first place?

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Q: What you still don't know about plate tectonics?
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How is a tsunami associated with plate tectonics?

i dont know stuff

What is the branch of geology know for plate tectonics?

the branch of geology for plate tectonics is asthenosphere.

What is one hypothesis regarding the formation of a divergant boundary on a continent?

i dont know if its is true, but plate tectonics

When was the plate tectonics theory accepted?

it wasnt accepted. Wegener's theory of continetal drift wasnt accepted. the theory of plate tectonics was created when scientists discovered about sea floor spreading and magnetic reversals. but i dont know when the theory of plate tectonics was created. so you can ask about that.

What is the movement of large segments of the earth's crust?

avalanches sorry their called EARTHQUAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What explains location of mountain trenches and volcanoes?

i dont know so dont ask

How do mid-ocean ridges support both the idea of continental drift and the theory of plate tectonics?

I Dont Know. Any Help??

What concepts is part of the theory of plate tectonics?

the tectonic plate theory is....when the tectonic plates move together to make a theory

What drives plate motion?

Plate tectonics is the name given to the forces that drive plate motion. Scientists don't know what causes the natural phenomenon of plate tectonics.

What is plate tectonics nature of earths interior?

id ont know

How is a mountain peak formed?

Plate Tectonics .... how is it that I'm 8 and know that?

What is one hypothesis regarding the formation of a divergent boundary on a continent?

i dont know if its is true, but plate tectonics