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Whenever you… Watch TV, Play a computer game, Use the air conditioning, Turn on a light, Listen to music, Wash or dry clothes, Use a hairdryer, Use a dishwasher, Microwave a meal, Ride in a car, Boil the kettle or, Mow the lawn.

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Q: When do humans send greenhouse gases into the air?
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What is the concentration of greenhouse gases in the air?

The concentration of greenhouse gases in the air, largely water vapor, carbon dioxide and methane, are causing an enhanced greenhouse effect which is global warming.The amounts of greenhouse gases in the air are:5% Water Vapor0.039% CO2Trace (less then 0.001%) small amounts of other gases (methane, nitrous oxide etc)Water vapor absorbs heat like other greenhouse gases.

What is the process by which gases hold heat in the air?

The greenhouse effect

How do humans activities add gases and aerosols to the atmosphere?

Many of the activities that humans do have a direct or indirect link to contributing gases into the atmosphere. For example if you want to go swimming at a pool which is a 5 minute drive from your house, the swimming would not produce greenhouse gases into the air but the 5 minute drive would. But if you participated in a car race that would have a direct link to producing greenhouse gases becouse when you drive a normal petrol or gasoline powered car you would be producing carbon dioxide into the air.

Do greenhouse gases warm the air near earth's surface by trapping carbon dioxide?

No, greenhouse gases warm the air near the earth's surface by trapping heat from the warm earth that would otherwise escape into space.

Does burping or farting pollute your air?

Gases produced by ruminant animals such as cows contain significant amounts of methane gas and are stated to be a source of greenhouse gases so yes. For humans intestinal gases contain almost no methane.

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What is the concentration of greenhouse gases in the air?

The concentration of greenhouse gases in the air, largely water vapor, carbon dioxide and methane, are causing an enhanced greenhouse effect which is global warming.The amounts of greenhouse gases in the air are:5% Water Vapor0.039% CO2Trace (less then 0.001%) small amounts of other gases (methane, nitrous oxide etc)Water vapor absorbs heat like other greenhouse gases.

How is the climate affected by the greenhouse gases?

Greenhouse gases can be very hot, so once they get out into the air, the climate gets hotter.

What is the process by which gases hold heat in the air?

The greenhouse effect

What is the largest form of air pollution?

carbon/greenhouse gases

How do humans activities add gases and aerosols to the atmosphere?

Many of the activities that humans do have a direct or indirect link to contributing gases into the atmosphere. For example if you want to go swimming at a pool which is a 5 minute drive from your house, the swimming would not produce greenhouse gases into the air but the 5 minute drive would. But if you participated in a car race that would have a direct link to producing greenhouse gases becouse when you drive a normal petrol or gasoline powered car you would be producing carbon dioxide into the air.

What are the air pollutants that affects your atmosphere?

there are many pollutants. These are greenhouse gases.

Effect of air pollution on ozone layer depression?

Air pollution is due to greenhouse gases. These gases also cause ozone depletion.

How does atomospheric composition affect air temperature?

While the specifics of this are controversial, the generally held beliefs are that greenhouse gases cause air temperature to rise. The primary greenhouse gases in earth's atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone. For an extreme view of how greenhouse gases can affect temperature, do some research on Venus where greenhouse gases and the proximity to the sun have turned the planet into a furnace

How are people adding to greenhouse gases?

By the oil we burn it releases carbons into the air adding to the greenhouse effect and global warming.

Do greenhouse gases warm the air near earth's surface by trapping carbon dioxide?

No, greenhouse gases warm the air near the earth's surface by trapping heat from the warm earth that would otherwise escape into space.

Does burping or farting pollute your air?

Gases produced by ruminant animals such as cows contain significant amounts of methane gas and are stated to be a source of greenhouse gases so yes. For humans intestinal gases contain almost no methane.