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Yes. Basically, energy is ALWAYS conserved. In this case, if it takes an extra effort to go up, that's because other type of energy (the energy from your muscles in this case) is converted into gravitational potential energy.

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Q: When you walk upstairs how are you obeying the law of conservation of energy?
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yes they can, but they cannot walk down them.

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Mechanical energy helps us walk.

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you are using the energy from food you have eaten(chemical energy), which is being converted into kinetic energy(energy that allows you to move, in this case walk). source: year 8 physics class

Why can't a slinky go upstairs?

slinky can't walk up stairs because gravity doesn't take the slinky up just down :[

When you walk then stop is that potential energy?

No, kenetic energy is while your walking , then when u stop you have potential energy to walk forword. So it is kenetic even when you stop just not when you are stoped.