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The rays of the sun are most concentrated at the point on earth that's on the line

from the sun's center to the earth's center. That would be at 'noon' at some point

in the earth's Tropic Zone ... always within 23.5 degrees north or south of the equator,

and to a person standing at that point, the sun would appear directly over his head.

On March 21 and September 21, the point is exactly on the equator. On June 21, it's

23.5 degrees north, and on December 21, it's 23.5 degrees south. At other times, it's

somewhere else between those latitudes.

Notice that if you're more than 23.5 degrees north or south of the equator, the sun

can never appear directly over your head.

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The most concentrated rays of the sun hit the Earth near the equator due to the angle at which the sunlight hits the Earth's surface. This area receives the most direct sunlight, leading to higher temperatures and stronger solar radiation.

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What do direct rays have to do with it being warmer in summer than winter?

During summer, the Earth's axis tilts towards the sun, causing the sun's rays to hit the Earth more directly. This results in more concentrated heat and energy being received at a particular location, leading to warmer temperatures. In contrast, during winter, the Earth's axis tilts away from the sun, causing the sun's rays to hit the Earth at a less direct angle, resulting in less concentrated heat and cooler temperatures.

How does the angle at which the sun's rays strike the Earth affect the temperature at the Earth's surface?

The angle at which the sun's rays strike the Earth affects the concentration of solar energy over a given area, influencing the amount of heating. When the sun's rays strike the Earth at a steeper angle (such as at noon), the energy is concentrated over a smaller area, resulting in more intense heating and higher temperatures. Conversely, when the sun's rays hit at a shallower angle (such as at sunrise or sunset), the energy is spread out over a larger area, leading to less intense heating and cooler temperatures.

Why are the sun ray more concentrated on the equtor?

The sun's rays are more concentrated near the equator because the Earth is more curved at the equator, causing the sunlight to hit more directly. This results in higher temperatures and more intense sunlight in equatorial regions.

Do any gamma rays at all make it to the surface of Earth?

Yes, some high-energy gamma rays do reach the surface of Earth, but most of them are absorbed by the atmosphere. Only the highest-energy gamma rays are able to penetrate the atmosphere and reach the surface.

How does the angle at which the Suns rays strike the earth affect the temperature at earth surface?

If the sun's rays hit the Earth's surface at a direct spot, which is usually around the equator, that area would be the warmest. Any area that is far away from the sun's rays is usually cold.

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Where is the greater amount of the sun's thermal energy concentrated on earth?

The equator. On average, it is angled i such a way that the sun's rays hit it most directly

Does the temperature rise most from the direct rays or slanted rays?

The temperature rises most from direct rays because they are more concentrated than slanted rays. Direct rays hit the Earth's surface more directly, leading to more heat absorption compared to slanted rays that are spread over a larger area.

What kind of ray hit the earth?

Many Rays hit the Earth but the most are UV rays because the Earth is always in the Sun's path so...yea

What season do sun rays hit the earth the most?


At what angle will the sun's rays most directly hit the earth?

90 degrees

What angle will the suns rays most directly hit the earth?

the equater A+ 90 degrees

How do changes in the angle of the sun's rays on the earth cause seasons in the northern hemisphere?

Changes in the angle of the sun's rays on the Earth cause seasons in the northern hemisphere because when the sun's rays hit the Earth at a more direct angle, it provides more concentrated heat and longer days, leading to warmer temperatures and summer. Conversely, when the sun's rays hit the Earth at a less direct angle, it diffuses the heat and results in colder temperatures and winter.

Where on earth do the sun rays hit most slanted?

Wherever it is just sunrise or just sunset.

What does the angle of earth have to do with the seasons?

it affects the angle at which the sun rays hit the earth

Do the tangent rays hit the equator on june21?

Tangent rays will hit any part of the earth on any day at sunrise and at sunset.

How long does the sun from the moon take to hit earth?

The rays from the sun take 8 minutes to hit the earth

What do direct rays have to do with it being warmer in summer than winter?

During summer, the Earth's axis tilts towards the sun, causing the sun's rays to hit the Earth more directly. This results in more concentrated heat and energy being received at a particular location, leading to warmer temperatures. In contrast, during winter, the Earth's axis tilts away from the sun, causing the sun's rays to hit the Earth at a less direct angle, resulting in less concentrated heat and cooler temperatures.