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The nitrogen cycle.

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Q: Which biochemical cycle aids plants through bacterial nodules in soil?
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What puts nitrogen in soil?

Nitrogen fixing bacteria that live in root nodules of members of the legume family of plants. Some Nitrogen is also fixed during lightning strikes.

Name two things that perform most nitrogen fixation?

Clover peas lupins.

When does nitrogen leave the air?

Nitrogen leaves the air when lightening strikes, which fixes nitrogen into the soil. Also, nitrogen-fixing plants like legumes have nodules of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their roots.

Does composting relate to the Nitrogen Cycle If so how?

Micro organisms use the ammonia from rotting food waste in a compost pile to create nitrogen that is available for plants to absorb. In a compost pile, rotting food produces ammonia and bacteria transform it into a soil nutrient, a process called nitrogen fixing. Legumes (beans) form nodules on their roots which accept nitrogen from the air and fix it in the soil through the nodules. So yes, a compost pile is part of the nitrogen cycle. It is the habitat for essential microorganisms to convert the nitrogen in ammonia into the nitrogen that plants can use to grow. The compost pile is also part of the carbon cycle in which carbon from living organisms breaks down and is converted into soil and used to build the cells of other plants. The compost pile does not demonstrate the full cycle of nitrogen or carbon, but it plays a part.

How do plants take nitrogen from the atmosphere?

Plants absorb nitrate compounds from soil through their root hairs, which are outgrowths of the trichoblast cells in the roots.Most plants are not able to use nitrogen as such (N2), though some, including legumes and casuarinas, supply water and food to symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria in specialised root nodules, and these fix nitrogen to nitrate which they supply to the plants.