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milk,banana,seafoods just eat fruits and also vegetables to keep u healthy and also proper exercise :)

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Q: Which food group is rich in calcium vitamin d potassium and protein?
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What are the main nutrients found in milk group?

the main mineral that is found in milk is calcium

Are barium magnesium potassium and calcium all in the same group?

No. Barium and magnesium and calcium are in group 2A but potassium is in group 1A.

Why does potassium form a 1 plus ion while calcium forms a 2 plus ion?

potassium is in group 1 and calcium in group 2, so potassium has 1 valence electron and calcium 2.

What are the vitamins and nutrients found in each food group?

The food pyramid begins with grains, which are the starch group. The next group is the fruit and vegetables, which provide potassium. .Following that is the cheese group, which provides calcium. The next group is the meat group, and it gives the body protein. The group at the top of the pyramid is the sweets and fats group, which provide no real nutrients, and should only be eaten sparingly.

What are some nutrients in Italians diets?

Wheat-based products - important sources of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, phosphorus, iron, and potassium; vegetables - predominant sources of vitamin A, ascorbic acid, riboflavin, niacin, calcium, iron, and potassium; meats - fat, protein, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, phosphorus, and iron. Green leaves - whether from cabbage or such leaf vegetables as spinach - vitamins A and C and Calcium; green vegetables, such as broccoli and kale, also include some of the B vitamins, Peas and beans furnish vitamins of the B group;

you have a snack consisting of a cheese sandwich and a glass of orange juice. What nutrients does each breakfast item contain?

Protein, calcium riboflavin phosphorous vitamins A, and B12 potassium magnesium zinc protein, B-group vitamins and minerals such as phosphorus and zinc fat

Are peas good for you?

Certainly. Peas are a good source of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc, vitamin C, B-group vitamins, amino acids, and protein. They are also low in oil, and the type of starch they contain is the sort that breaks down slowly rather than giving a quick burst of energy. Fibre and phyto-oestrogens are added benefits they provide.

Are Potassium and Calcium in the same family in the periodic table of elements?

Yes. They are because they are both are in the same group and are metals.

Which of these elements has the largest atomic radius. Aluminum potassium fluorine. Calcium?

Potassium has the largest atomic radius. It is in the 1st group of the periodic table. Fluorine has the least atomic radius.

Are k and calcium in the same family in the periodic table of elements?

K refers to potassium. it is placed in alkali metal family i.e. group 1. Calcium is placed in alkaline earth family i.e group-2.

What is the group number in standard and roman numerals of potassium?

the group number in standard and roman numerals of potassium is as follows .the group number in standard of potassium is Group 1 .the group number roman numerals of potassium is Group I.

What group is calcium?

Calcium is in group 2 of the Periodic Table. The group consists of beryllium, magnesium, calcium strontium, barium and radium. Calcium is in period 4.