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cucl is more covalent than nacl because cu has same size as that of na & cucl has pseudonobal gas configration due to which it has 18 electrons in outermost shell than na cl which has 8 elctrons

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Q: Why cucl is more covalent than nacl?
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By stronger, I am guessing you meant " stronger intermolecular forces ". Ionic compounds do not necessarily have stronger intermolecular forces than covalent compounds. For example, it is true that NaCl(an ionic compound) has strong electrostatic attractions while H2O(a covalent compound) has very weak London forces. However, SiO2 is a giant covalent compound, and has very strong covalent bonds between molecules, even stronger than the electrostatic forces of NaCl.

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Which is more covalent H-Cl or Cl-Cl?

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Why NaCl dissolve more in water than iodine?

In Sodium Chloride, Sodium ion (Na+) and Chloride ion (Cl-) are combined by ionic forces,Where as in Iodine Molecule Two Iodine atoms are combined by covalent bond.Covalent bond is always stronger than ionic Bond.So in water the weak bond (Ionic Bond) dissociates easily and Nacl Dissolves Readily compared to Iodine.

Which bond is most common covalent or ionic?

Covalent bond is more common than ionic bond.

What is the difference between ionic and covalent?

Covalent compounds are more flammable when compared to ionic compounds.Ionic compounds are more soluble in water than covalent compounds.for more go to: difference between . net

How many covalent bonds does iodine have?

more than 1

Can silicon form more than 4 covalent bonds?

No, silicon can form only four covalent bonds.

Is the covalent bond of SiC polar or non-polar?

Polar covalent. C is more electronegative than Si.