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becuz earth has gravity and gravity pulls down

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Q: Why do crumbs fall to the ground on Earth?
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Why do crumbs fall down to the ground on earth?

because when you bite it is will drop and will fallo to the ground

Why do crumbs fall down to the ground on earth and not in space?

the forces of gravity pull the crumbs towards the earths core but in space the gravity is less so the pull force is not as great as the earths pull

What is crumbs?

The earth

Why do people not fall to the center of the Earth?

Because the ground is in the way!

Why do crumbs not float on earth?

Crumbs? Bread crumbs? Bread crumbs don't float. They are devoured by the hungry animals that happen to find them. How can you even compare those two words, crumbs and floating?

What are 4 examples of earth's gravitational pull?

when you fall you hit the ground

Why don't satelittes in orbit fall to the ground?

They are falling but their horizontal motion means that their fall and the curvature of the Earth match so the continually miss the Earth.

What does ants feeds on?

Food crumbs on the ground and other bugs.

Why do object fall to the ground when dropped?

It is due to gravity. It is Earth's gravitation force that keeps our feet firmly on the ground.

Drops of nitric or sulfric acid fall to the ground as?

Dilute nitric and sulfuric acid fall to earth as acid rain.

Why don't clouds fall to earth?

Actually they do fall to the earth. Clouds are drops of water and when it rains, snow, hails, or if there is any sleet it is cloud falling through the ground.

Which force makes a thrown ball fall back to the ground?

Gravity is the force which makes a thrown ball fall back to the ground. It is the force which attracts all objects to the Earth.