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Even British Columbia, with all of our extensive existing - [we all need to address micro-Hydro] - Hydro-electric resources, is a Net Importer of Coal Fired Oregon power.

Shanghai City needs seventeen dirty-coal fired Power Plants 24 hours.

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Q: Why is it important to address Our over use of electricity?
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What did Benjamin Franklin discover and why is it important discovery?

Electricity. It is important today because we use electricity for almost everything.

What is the most important use of solar energy?

the most important use of solar energy is to make electricity.

How many people use electricity?

over 6000 million people use it around the world

What is the most important use for electricity?

There are numerous important uses for electricity. One of the top ones is powering our homes and buildings, providing us with lighting, heating, and cooling. Electricity is also essential for running various appliances and electronics, such as refrigerators, computers, and televisions. Additionally, electricity plays a crucial role in industries, transportation systems, and healthcare. It's truly hard to imagine our modern world without electricity.

Is Electricity good?

Well, in some ways Yes. But in the other ways no. It can be good, it can be bad. But it is important that you reduce the use of the electricity

What are the most important inventions in history?

gun powder or light bulb/ use of electricity

How has the use of electricity changed over time?

What started out as a convenience is now a necessity.

What is important to remember about an email address on a resume?

Use your proffesional email address and make sure it's apporiate.

Why electricity is important?

Electricity is important because it is the most common energy we consume and depend on in our everyday lives. It is convenient and supplies energy fast!Electricity is important today because we use it for almost everything in our homes. Without electricity our food would spoil, it would be dark, there would be no Internet and to top it off in the summer we would be hot.

What is the least important to address during peer evaluation?

use of counter-arguments

Why was electricity important to the Industrial Revolution?

So they can use it... :p it's simple... XD mark me as not helpfull!!

Average electricity use?

. . in the UK is 650 watts per person, averaged over a year.