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Advantages to renewable: Non renewable energy is worst than renewable for a number of reasons, but some of the main ones being that:

1.) As renewable energy does not use a limited fuel, it is resistant to rising prices, so as the price of oil goes up, the price of renewable energy wont.

2.) Renewable energy will last until the sun dies, about 5 billion years, so even when oil, coal and natural gas have ran out, the sunlight, tides (controlled by the moon not sun though) and wind will still be available to harness energy from.

3.) Without a limited fuel, renewable energy is cheaper, just build the generater (wind turbine or hydroelectric dam etc.) and watch the money keep rolling in without much going out apart from the odd repair now and again.

4.) Without fuel, renewable energy is good for the environment and does not contribute to acid rain or global warming apart from when building the generater to start with.

5.) Renewable energy does not create any waste products

6.) Without needing fuel, renewable energy can be used in the most isolated of places without any fuel reserves and due to many of the other advantages, it is also good at helping provide energy to developing countries.

Independance: renewable energy allows houses, villages or even countries become independent as they will not need to buy oil and fuel from other countries (whether this helps or metaphorically destroys the international economy probably depends on the situation however it certainly saves it's possessor money from having to buy fuel or electric from elsewhere)

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Nonrenewable energy is NOT better - it is worse because once we use it up, it's gone. Nonrenewable energy also causes more pollution than renewable energy because nonrenewable energy is from things like coal and oil.

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Renewable resources are better, as they can be used over and over, like wind, water and sunlight. Non-renewables are usually polluting, like coal, which is one of the causes of climate change.

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A renewable source of energy (sunlight, wind or water power, etc) is an better option to generate electricity because it is a natural source of energy and renews itself again and again. It also releases no carbon dioxide pollution into the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.A:Renewable energy sources are much better in the long run. Renewable energy sources never run out. We can constantly use renewable energy sources however non-renewable energy sources will run out eventually with consistent consumption. A great example of a renewable energy sources is solar power. We will never run out of energy from the sun. A:They are important because they can be replenished and they do not harm our environment and they are eco-friendly

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Renewable means that those resources will be replaced when they are used - either they grow back, like trees, or they are produced constantly, like sunlight. Nonrenewable means that once you use them, they are used, and when you use everything, there will be no more. Resources like coal and oil are nonrenewable because it takes so long to make more (by pressure deep inside the ground for millions of years) that once we use them, no more will be made during our lives. A: Renewable: Renewable energy-or resources-are replenished onced they have been removed and used. They will either grow back, or keep doing what they are doing. Meaning that they are always being produced. Non-renewable: Nonrenewable energy-or resources-are not replenished once they have been removed, taken away, and used. Once it is gone, it will never come back.

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It is better than a nonrenewable resource for a very simple reason. It is renewable, along with the fact that it will always be here on planet earth as long as earth is still around. Another plus is that i can be used to create energy. It can be turned into steam to spin turbines which create electricity, a flowing river can have a dam built into it to also create electricity. There are many other reasons but these are the basics.