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Hydrogen and chlorine are both nonmetals, and nonmetals form molecular compounds when bonded together. Sodium is a metal and chlorine is a nonmetal, and a metal and a nonmetal form an ionic compound.

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Q: Why the term molecule is appropriate for hydrogen chloride but not for sodium chloride?
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What is the simplest particle that retains the properties of sodium chloride?

A molecule of sodium chloride A molecule of sodium chloride

Does sodium chloride contain molecules?

Sodium Chloride is a molecule. A molecule contains 2 or more atoms. Each molecule of Sodium Chloride contains 1 sodium atom and 1 chloride atom.

What are the reactants of sodium chloride hydrogen?

Sodium chloride doesn't react with hydrogen.

What s the formula for a molecule of sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride is NaCl

Is sodium chloride an example of a polar solute?

Sodium chloride is a a polar molecule.

How does sodium chloride become salt?

Sodium chloride is the product of reaction between sodium hydroxide and hydrogen chloride.

What is the charge of the NaCl molecule?

Sodium chloride is a compound, not an element; sodium chloride is electrically neutral.

Why is sodium chloride not organic compound?

A molecule is a grouping of more than one atom. Sodium chloride contains a sodium atom and a chlorine atom. It's also called a compound because the two atoms are from different elements.

What happens when sodium reacts with hydrochloric acid?

it results in hydrogen gas and sodium chloride.

Is sodium chloride and organic molecule?

Yes, Sodium Chloride is an inorganic compound.

What is the difference between sodium chloride and sodium hydrogen?

Sodium chloride is NaCl; if you think to sodium hydride this is NaH.