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Ice can be colder than zero degrees centigrade; there is no law that keeps ice at zero degrees. If there were such a law, then ice would be a perfectly clean, infinite source of energy. We could simply pump heat out of ice, and the heat would never diminish. But this is not the case. So it is possible to add water ices of different temperatures and in the long run the temperatures would balance out.

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16y ago
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7y ago

A drink can get colder, but if it is pure water and you are cooling it with ice, it can't get colder then 0 degrees Celsius

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10y ago

Temperature is lowered

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Q: Will a drink get colder by adding more ice?
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Will a drink get colder by shaking it?

Shaking allows the drink to couple with the ice longer which makes it colder

What does adding salt do to making homemade ice cream?

Add salt to the ice to make it colder.

Why is a piece of ice more effective in cooling a drink than the same mass of cod water?

Because the ice is colder than cold water.

What happens if you put ice n a drink to cool it off?

The cold water molicules (or ice molicules) abosorb the heat of the drink and begin to move faster. however the drink is not warm enough for the drink to melt the ice cubes completely. the over all effect is that all of the molicules in the drink slow down thus becoming colder.

Does ice cubes in soda make it more healthy?

No. Unless adding ice cubes to soda means you drink less soda.

Does swirling ice in a drink make the drink colder or just melt the ice faster?

Swirling mixes the warmer water near the glass edge with the cooler water next to lumps of ice. This has the effect of melting the ice faster AND making the glass colder.

How do you get a drink cold fast?

Stick it in the freezer. Since a freezer is colder than a refrigerator, it will make the drink colder much more quickly. Put a bunch of ice cubes in and stir it the drink for a few seconds. It works great. Maybe a fluids engineer can explain why.

How do you make water cold?

An easy way to make water cold is to put it in the refrigerator. If this is not possible, adding colder water would make water colder. Actually, adding ice would make this process faster, as it is colder than cold water. And dry ice would make it cold even faster than ice (but dry ice is dangerous- be careful).

Is adding small pieces of ice in your glass of water colder than adding one block of ice?

Ice will melt until the water reaches 0ºC or until there is no more ice. Small pieces of ice may melt faster because collectively they have more surface than a large blocks of the same mass, but the water won't end up colder. Suppose you were to run an experiment where you started with two equally sized blocks of ice, shredded one, brought the ice to the same temperature, and droped them into two equally sized glasses of water at room temperature. Suppose that your ice is of sufficient mass and coldness that when the water reaches 0ºC there is still ice remaining. Although the water would end up at the same temperature in both glasses, up to that point it would be slightly colder for the small pieces of ice. Now, if your pieces of ice are small enough that when you drink the water (after it reaches 0ºC) you are also drinking small bits of ice, then it will cool your mouth, esophagus, and stomach faster because the ice will melt in your mouth.

Is ice colder than ice cream?

No, it is not. Ice cream is colder than snow.

How can melted ice be colder than ice cubes?

becuse its colder

Is it that more the sheets of newspaper the colder the ice cream will stay?
