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Yes, absolutely. A molecule of chlorine(Cl2) has only a weak bond, making it very likely to react with surrounding elements to form different compounds.

For example, sodium chloride (NaCl) is table salt. Silver chloride (AgCl) was used to develop early photographs and chloroform (CHCl3) is an anesthetic. Polyvinyl chloride (abbreviated PVC) is used for wire insulation, pipes, signs, and vinyl siding for houses.

And then there is liquid bleach, sodium hypochlorite (NaClO), used as a whitening agent and disinfecting agent. When mixed with a specific proportion of ammonia, it forms the poisonous chlorine gas which was used in as a chemical weapon in WWI trench warfare.

Chlorine in Swimming Pools mixed with urea (pee) can form NCl3 formerly used in tear gas, and which more recently has been indicated as the cause of the link between swimming pools and Asthma.

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Q: Will chlorine combine with other elements?
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