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Yes, it generate a magnetic field when it enters into the earth atmosphere.

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Q: Would an asteroid fragment generate a magnetic field when entering the earth's atmosphere?
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One word- gravity. Mercury is just simply not massive enough to generate the gravity required to hold gases close enough to the surface to create an atmosphere.

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If there is no atmosphere then the earth will get very cold, with no greenhouse effect. We will have to live in protective bubbles and generate our own oxygen. With seven billion people on the planet, that's a big ask.

How does Venus's generate light?

Venus itself doesn't generate much visible light. There may be some electrical activity in its atmosphere that generates some light, but it's minimal. The light we see from Venus is mostly reflected light from the sun.

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There are organisms that generate it even in Antarctica, but O2 is a well mixed gas so it spreads through the atmosphere at all latitudes.

Is there is any relation between atmosphere and Gravity which made the atmosphere to stick around the Earth?

Gravity holds the atmosphere in place. In fact, it perfectly balances the upward pressure gradient force (air pressure decreases as you go up in the atmosphere, causing a gradient that would otherwise generate a VERY strong wind upward). This is called hydrostatic equilibrium.

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The body cannot burn Carbon from the atmosphere. The body burns carbohydrates to generate energy and emits Carbon Dioxide as a waste product. All plants, from gigantic redwoods to microscopic algae consume Carbon Dioxide and, using sunlight and water, produce Oxygen for us to breath and carbohydrates for us to eat. That is the cycle.

What are 3 different process that contribute carbon dioxide to the atmosphere?

burning coal to generate electricity.driving a car that runs on petroleum.chopping up a tree to make newspaper.

Why cant a helicopter work on the moon?

Helicopters need air for the rotor to generate lift, and as the moon hasn't got an atmosphere a helicopter won't go anywhere.

A sentence using the word acid rain?

Acid gases, given off when we generate electricity, mix with sunlight and water in the atmosphere to produce acid rain.

Can you fly a kite on the moon?

No, you cannot fly a kite on the moon because there is no atmosphere to create the wind needed for the kite to fly. In the absence of an atmosphere, there is no air pressure to generate the necessary lift for the kite to stay aloft.