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Q: Would the bond between magnesium and sulfur be ionic?
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Would magnesium and sulfur make an ionic compound?

Yes. Magnesium sulfide is an ionic compound.

Is magnesium and sulfur likely to form an ionic bond yes or no?

Yes. Sulfur is a non-metal and magnesium is a metal, hence it suits the condition to form ionic bonds between these two elements with the formula MgS, magnesium sulfide.

Which atom of sulfur and magnesium for a positive ion during ionic bonding?

Magnesium is the cation and sulfur is the anion.

What are likely to form an ionic bond magnesium and sulfur or nitrogen and oxygen?

Magnesium and sulfur are much more likely than nitrogen and oxygen to form an ionic bond, because the difference in electronegativity between sulfur and magnesium is much greater than the difference in electronegativity between nitrogen and oxygen. Another way of phrasing the reason is that magnesium is a metal and sulfur a nonmetal, while nitrogen and oxygen are both nonmetals.

Can magnesium and sulfur form an ionic bond yes or no?


What kind of bond is it when sulfur and magnesium bind?

An ionic bond.

What is the ionic compound name for MgSO3?

The compound is ionic because Mg (magnesium) is a metal and S (sulfur) is a non metal with a relatively high electro-negativity.MgS [note correct letter cases] has ionic bonds.

Which of the following are likely to form an ionic bond 1. carbon and hydrogen 2.carbon and sulfur 3.magnesium and sulfur 4.nitrogen and oxygen?

3. magnesium and sulfur

Which atom will form a positive ion during ionic bonding sulfur or magnesium?

Magnesium will form a positive ion during ionic bonding. Sulfur will form a negative ion during ionic bonding. In ionic bonding, metals form positive ions and nonmetals form negative ions.

Is the bond between magnesium and oxygen a ionic or convalent?

It is ionic. Electrons are transferred from magnesium to oxygen.

What is the formula for an ionic compound that contains the elements magnesium and sulfur?

the formula for an ionic compound that contains the elements magnesium and sulfur.Mg + H2 SO4 -> Mg SO4 + H2. .

How can you tell an ionic bond is formed between magnesium and oxygen?

it is ionic bonding because magnesium is a metal and oxygen is not. ionic bonding occurs between a metal and non-metal