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Abraham Lincoln, born February 12, 1809 was 52 years of age when he became president, on March 4, 1861

Abe was born to Nancy and Thomas Lincoln

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Q: At what age did Abraham Lincoln become president?
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What president's mom died when he was the age of 9?

Abraham Lincoln

What age was Abraham Lincoln when he attempted to run for vice president?

Lincoln attempted to run for Vice President in 1856 when he was 47.

How old is president Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in 1865 at the age of 56. He was born in 1809, and would be 203 in 2012.

How old was Abraham Lincoln when he was inaugurated?

US President Abraham Lincoln was age 52 at his first inaugural in 1861.

How old was Lincoln when he was elected president?

Abraham Lincoln was about the age of 51 when he was elected as the president.

Did abraham own slaves?

Abraham Lincoln did not own any slaves. Aversed towards the practice of slavery from an early age, Lincoln was responsible for its abolishment when he became president.

How old was Abraham Lincoln when he decided to run for president?

1) The Lincoln-Douglas Debate started August 21,1858. He was 49 then. 2) Lincoln was elected president at the age of 51. So technically he decided to run for president at the age of 49.

What were Abraham Lincolns sons names?

Abraham Lincoln's four sons were Robert Todd, Edward Baker, William Wallaceand Thomas.U.S. President Abraham Lincoln had four sons.Two of which died of illness during childhood; Edward Baker Lincoln at age three, and William Wallace Lincoln at age eleven.Tad Lincoln perished at age eighteen, also of illness.Robert Todd Lincoln was Abraham's oldest son, living to age eighty-two. He served as secretary of war from 1881 to 1885. As well as U.S. Ambassador to England from 1889 to 1893.

How tall was Lincoln at the age of 19?

Abraham Lincoln was 6'4" at age 17.

How old was Abraham Lincoln when he waz elected?

Abraham Lincoln was 52 years and two months old on April 12, 1861 when the shooting began in the Civil war. He was the President of the United States at the time- he did not exactly "join" the war, but he was certainly involved with it.

At what age did Abraham Lincoln first run for president?

i think he was 23 i am almost completely sure call me if it isn't right

What age was Lincoln a lawyer?

Abraham Lincoln became a lawyer in 1837 at the age of 28.