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start by stating a fact abouty poverty or putting in a good quote about poverty

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Q: How do you start off an introduction paragraph on poverty?
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Well, you can, but it would be improper English. :)

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you would start off with also,the title of your story,essay or whatever you are talking about and NEVER NEVER NEVER start a paragraph with the word AND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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it is something that can start off a presentation or something like that. it can be around 2 phrases long.

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Any English word may begin a sentence or a paragraph but I believe you mean a starting a paragraph on an essay. Some Ways are, firstly, secondly, thirdly, also, another reason, as well as, however, on the other hand and many more.

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You would have to make it catchy You can use " in my words the story was like..........." Ok

Can you start off the last paragraph with in conclusion?

Yes, but many teachers frown upon it--it's pretty cliche.

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explanatory this kind of essay would be labeled as explanatory. Most likely this kind of paragraph would start off with a thesis, then an explanation to that thesis or a well written reason why that thesis is relevant to the topic.

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An introduction should do several things. Most importantly, it should tell the reader what the report is about. It should also provide an attention grabber, such as an interesting story or relevent statistic. It should then flow, or provide a transistion to the body of the report.

When did Cuba's poverty start?

When Cuba had a revolution from America, and became a Communist country, the U.S. blocked off trades, and banned American's from going to Cuba.