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Germany has had a primarily capitalist economy since the nation's unification in 1871 and the prior German confederations were also predominantly capitalist, in terms of the national economic policy. Under the Nazis, Germany became a corporatist state as opposed to a capitalist one. This non-capitalist nature continued in East Germany, which after World War II, became a Communist State and remained so until unification with West Germany in 1990. West Germany (and now Germany) has consistently been a capitalist state since its formation after World War II.

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Q: How long has Germany been capitalist?
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Is Germany's economy capitalist?

It is a Social Market. Kinda Kind of a socialist feel and kind of a capitalist feel.

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The socialist part of Germany ( under influence of USSR ) and the capitalist part of Germany ( under influence of USA )

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The most obvious difference is that in 1962, Germany was not a single country, but East Germany (communist) and West Germany (capitalist).

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Two of the countries that have a capitalist economy include: Germany and the United States. Also, China, India, and Japan have a capitalist economy.

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West Germany remained capitalist when East Germany was part of the Soviet Union, and therefore communist.

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Neither: it is capitalist with state interference.

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The main differences between West and East Germany was that West Germany was a Democratic Capitalist state while East Germany was a self declared 'socialist state' (though more commonly it is labeled Communist).

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Canada, Germany, Japan, and the Capitalist granddaddy of them all, the United States of America.

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Germany began using the euro in 2002, so it's been about 9 years.

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No, it's capitalist, it has always been.