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Because of uncertainty. Because of uncertainty, according to Frank H. Night (explained in his great work "Risk, Uncertainty and Profits"). But that's only one answer, anyway. You can count at least 15 more, but there is no defitinitive answer in economics "YET".

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Because of transaction costs (see Coase, 1937), and the ability of firms to exploit economies of scale and scope. Previous to Coase in 1937, people believed it was to minimise on transport and production costs

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Markets comprise of producers and consumers. And producers are mostly firms which produce.

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To produce goods and services

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Q: In Economics if markets are so wonderful why do firms exist?
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Microeconomics is literally "small" economics, which typically concentrates on the interrelatedness of single markets and firms. Macroeconomics is "big" economics and concentrates on the economy as a whole, international trade, etc.

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You can think of microeconomics as a study of the "small" economy. So you're looking supply and demand for individual firms or individual markets for goods and services. Macro is "big" economics, or the study of whole markets. For example, micro would look at consumer choice and the market for specific goods, while macro would ask how fiscal policy would affect exchange rates.

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Why do small firms exist?

Small firms exist because they help strengthen the economy. Smaller firms create jobs and pay taxes that help support the community.

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The components of macro economics are firms, households, financial institutions, government, exporters and importers.