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Q: Is psychodynamic approach idiographic or nomothetic?
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What is Idiographic in psychology?

In psychology, idiographic refers to an approach that focuses on understanding individuals' unique characteristics, experiences, and behaviors. It emphasizes studying specific cases in detail to gain insight into the complexity of an individual's psychological makeup, rather than generalizing findings across a group of people. This approach aims to capture the richness and depth of human experience.

Is biological psychology idiographic of nomothetic?

Biological psychology is generally nomothetic. The nomothetic approach aims to even out individual differences so that the observations lack bias. This justifies generalising the findings of such research. Because biological psychology research is primarily experimental, a nomothetical stance is assumed simply because researchers (using a psychobiological approach) are looking for typical behaviour, not unique behaviour - thus looking for data with which to apply a generalisation to all people, or most people.

What is nomothetic leadership?

Nomothetic leadership is a leadership approach that focuses on identifying general principles and patterns that can be applied universally to different situations. It emphasizes creating systems and processes that can be replicated by others to achieve successful outcomes. Nomothetic leaders prioritize consistency, standardization, and efficiency in their approach to leadership.

Which approach to psychology stresses free will?

psychodynamic psychology

Which of these statements about the psychodynamic approach is false?

This approach focuses on problems related to the psychosexual stages of development.

How do you use nomothetic in a sentence?

The new president gave nomothetic laws.

Famous people associated with psychodynamic approach?

Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Alfred Adler are well-known figures associated with the psychodynamic approach. Freud is considered the founder of psychoanalysis, while Jung and Adler also made significant contributions to the development of psychodynamic theory.

What is nomothetic?

Nomothetic is a Greek derivation meaning proposition of the law in general or universal. The word is used in philosophy.

In the psychodynamic approach how does the relationship differ from Freud's perspective?

The therapist engages the client in face-to-face manner

Which psychological approach stresses the role of unconscious processes and unresolved childhood conflicts?

Psychoanalytic/psychodynamic perspective

How does the psychodynamic approach explain behavior?

The psychodynamic approach explains behavior as being primarily influenced by unconscious drives and conflicts. It emphasizes the role of childhood experiences and how these shape adult personality and behavior. It also considers the impact of defense mechanisms in regulating one's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

What is likely to come up for the AS OCR psychology exam tomorrow in section C?

Developmental approach and Psychodynamic perspective