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Oscar Lewis

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Q: The term culture of poverty was coined by anthropologist?
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Who coined the term TCK or Third Culture kid?

The term TCK (Third Culture Kid, also: 3CK) was coined at the beginning of the 1950s by an American anthropologist and sociologist by the name of Ruth Hill Useem.

What is the term to describe a scientist who studies culture?

An anthropologist is a scientist who studies culture, including its origins, development, and variation among different groups of people.

What is cultural instrumentality andor who coined the term?

Instrumentality is a philosophical term. It is generally used to discredit successful theories, statistics, or culture. The present argument is that its idea is a threat to philanthropy for culture.

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Culture shock is the term used to describe the feeling of uneasiness and unhappiness that an anthropologist or an individual may experience when struggling to adjust to a new culture. Symptoms can include feelings of isolation, frustration, and a longing to return home.

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