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there are many of both: the pros include: new job opportunitites, new communities, a new home, new neighbors, new friends, new experiences, new scenery, hopefully lower taxes, higher wages, relo expenses, new weekend getaways etc - the cons include: not seeing your family and friends, having to travel at holidays & special occasions, not being there if a family member is elderley and becomes seriously ill, taking your children out of their world and away from their friends and things they know like schools and teachers can be devastating for them; it can literally take years for them to adapt - My advice is don't just look at the salary or the job; consider the effect it will have on your family, parents, grandparents, children and spouse. We relocated several times and would never do it again if we could start over. Our son did not like his new school, teachers, neighborhood etc. It took him from third grade to seventh grade to finally turn around and start to do well in school. He made a dramatic turn around but it was five years of hell trying to get him to do his homework. Even in a bad economy; it's not all about the money and most companies have no loyalty and may get rid of you as quickly as they hired you. I know of a firend who was relocated from MA to FL for a high paying job. he bought a new house sold his, his inlaws sold and mooved with him and a year later he was let go! So beware !

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