

What is the effect of education?

Updated: 11/21/2022
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12y ago

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education usually improves lives and minds and offers us more opportunities and possibilities.

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Q: What is the effect of education?
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Which of the factors explaining the Flynn Effect do you buy?

Eductation factor explain the flynn effect and we buy education for ourselves, our children.

How does the screening effect differ from the learning effect?

The theory that education increases productivity and results in higher wages is called the learning effect. Another theory is called the screening effect it suggests that the completion of college indicates to employers that a job applicant is intelligent and hardworking.

How does economic status effect education development?

Economic status affect education as a reult of feeding before education matter, if u consider in this current generation first law is feeding, nd u know dat economic is feeding.

Which of the reforms passed under the fair deal would have an immediate economic effect on employees?

federal aid to education

What are the positive and negative effects of globalization on education?

The modern world is a much smaller place than the ancient world! You can talk to someone across the globe, or log onto the internet and communicate with people from every country in the world.The main effect that this has had on education is that more and more people have access to education now - if you can get to a computer, you can educate yourself and learn whatever you want. Some kids in countries like the UK and US take education for granted because we have had free education for so long, but if you live in a country where your government tells you that you can't go to school, an education is a miraculous thing!

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