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Q: What is the size of the world market in general?
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It is in the Simla Market in the middle of the town.

What is the difference between total market and market size?

the size of the market like small, medium, and large, like clothing size. So say if i was a market size i would be an extra small in an areopostale market. But in a Justice market i would be a 12 or a medium.

What is the biggest and richest company in the world?

No. 1: General ElectricIndustry: Conglomerate, U.S. General Electric is now the world's largest company, based on its composite score for sales, profits, assets and market value.

What is the size of the world market?

In 2003 the World Health Organisation estimated the world market for herbal products at $62 billion (US Dollars). This figure was regarded as conservative by some people and media estimates at the time tended to be around $100 billion.

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5500 cr

Difference between mass market and niche market?

Mass market is when business targets general consumers (the majority) in the market with general needs. Niche market is when business targets a small group of consumers with specific needs in the market.

Why is it that market size is one of environment constraints?

The macro-environment of a business is characterized by external factors that influence business growth either positively or negatively. The size of the market in which the business operates is one of the external factors and it serves as a constraint to growth because the size of a market determines the volume of sales.. for instance, if the market size is big and growing constantly at a higher rate, then sales is expected to be big, while a small market size with low growth rate will mean a low sales.. Market size in business is used to describe "the number of potential customers." thus, the higher the market size the higher the sales and the lower the market size, the lower the sales.. that is why market size is an environmental constraint for businesses..

What is market size of Indian paint industry?

The market size for paints is estimated at US$ 5.29 billion

What are the causes of world economic crisis and their prevention?

Consuption and limited cash are factors generating economic crisis...When rate of consuption grows with a bigger rate than the money available on market than economy tends to adjust itself to normal size but this has various side effects. Production drops as the general market need is low and this results unemployed people so even less money on the market.

Why do organization undertake market research?

market size to check

What is the World Market Size of Herbal Products?

In 2003 the World Health Organisation estimated the world market for herbal products at $62 billion (US Dollars). This figure was regarded as conservative by some people and media estimates at the time tended to be around $100 billion.