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Q: Which country is having more black money?
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How much black money having tamilnadu?

more than 1200 billion

In the black?

Having more money than you owe. If you have less than you owe then you're in the red. Banks used black ink for positive entries and red ink for negative entries in the ledger

Why your country needs more entrepreneurs?

By having more entrepreneurs features include; more money in the economy, employment rate will decrease, people getting paid and social benefits such as wealth creation.

How does export affect the amount of money in circulation?

The more you export the more money you bring into the country and the more money will be used in the economy.

Why is having more time good?

time is money or you can do more things

Who makes more money white people or black people-?

White people make more money than black people, about 4 times more depending on the nation.

Why do people need a profession in the country?

People need professions because it would help the economy AND thus making more money for thy country. And having an occupation would help you in the long run in general.

Advantages and disadvantages of having money?

Well the advantages of having money is that you can pay your bills, people will respect you more and can hire business.

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If a country prints more money during a currency shortage, does it make the country richer?

Answer: No, too bad for the country. It just makes money less valuable.

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it depends what country your in