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Orange Juice is much more elastic than milk.

First of all, it represents an insignificant part of the consumer's budget

Secondly, it has a lot of close substitutes (IE. mango juice, etc.)

On the contrary, there is no single substitute for milk, unless you want

to dip cookies in orange juice, or cereal with mango juice.

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Q: Which is more elastic milk or orange juice and why?
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The demand for a product is likely to be more elastic when?

A product is likely to be more elastic the more dispensable or unnecessary it is to the consumer. For instance, if the price increases and the product is elastic, the consumer will not demand as much because they can do without it.

If because a modest price increase has little or no effect the demand for the product is?

If a modest price increase has little no no effect on the demand it means that the product is inelastic. Inelastic goods are those that people will need no matter what the price is, such as most medications, and food as a whole (not specific brands). Elastic goods are defined as goods were the demand fluctuates as the price fluctuates. These are different brands of foods (If Dole starts to charge more for apple juice consumers will switch to Tropicana orange juice.)

Which firm is more likely to have an elastic supply?

A firm making underwear will need a supply of elastic.

The demand for orange is more elastic than for toothpaste but the price of orange fluctuates more than the price of toothpaste why?

In laymans terms it is because oranges are a crop that is dependant on the weather. A heavy frost can wipe out orange production causing supply to be lower than demand thus driving the price of oranges and orange products up. Toothpaste is a manufactured item that is not dependant on good weather and therefore supply can remain constant to keep up with demand.

Is a firm's demand for labor curve is more elastic in the short run than in the long run?

No. It's more elastic in the long run than the short run.

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What has more calcium Milk or Orange Juice?

i think that orange juice is healthier than milk because it has calicium and potassium but has sugar and milk only has calcium and milk has fat Also orange juice has vitamin c but milk does not but if you were to have milk have goats milk because it is healthier

Which has more potassium 100 ml of milk or 100 ml of orange juice?

For the same serving size, the milk in my fridge has 510 mg and my orange juice has 430 mg. My milk has slightly more potassium. This may vary from brand to brand, but it seems that milk and orange juice have relatively similar amounts of potassium.

Which liquid will freeze faster water orange juice or milk?

it is water as milk and juice has more ingredients

Is honey or orange juice or milk or water or bourbon or olive oil more dense?

The bourbon is more dense then the rest.

What has more vitamin c orange juice or grape juice?

Orange juice

what has more velocity corn syrup water orange juice or milk?

Molasses because its thicker. Thicker means it has a higher viscosity.

Which juice cleans pennies best orange juice or grapefruit?

orange works better because it has more citric acids than apple juice does, all the apple juice will do is make the penny stickier.

Does a banana in milk mold faster or does a banana mold faster in orange juice?

A banana would mold faster in orange juice because it is more acidic than milk. Molds can grow over a pH range of 2-8.5 however molds tend to grow better at an acidic pH.

What has more nutrients milk or apple juice?


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Is orange juice an alloy?

No. Alloys are composed of elements that are a bit more metallic than orange juice,

How do sports drinks have more electrolyte than orange juice?

They don't,electrolytes are higher in orange juice.