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Why P5 has a right to veto as each member of the league council whether permanent or non-permanent. The UN Charter provision among the permanent members was the result of extensive discussion.

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Q: Why P5 has a right to veto when there are countries with stronger economies in UN?
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Is economics almost completely determinative of political issues?

Not completely. See, politics do play a big part in the economy but also do the citizens. political leaders can pass laws but voters can veto or agree to those laws. Citizens also pay taxes and buy things.

Who were the most fiscally irresponsible presidents?

I thought of one right away: George W. Bush!AnswerDon't forget George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and Herbert Hoover. George W. Bush came into office following consecutive years of budget surpluses. However, he decided to spend away these surpluses, declining to veto many of the most gregarious spending bills, passing large tax cuts, and bringing the US into two costly wars. His adamant refusal to either retract the tax cuts or stop spending led the US into its greatest deficits in history.George H. W. Bush was not as fiscally irresponsible as his son, though deficits under Bush did increase to nearly $290 billion. Despite his plan to have "No new taxes," eventually the fiscal realities forced him to implement a tax increase, a key contributor to his 1992 defeat to Bill Clinton.

Has President Obama extended unemployment benefits?

As of September 29, 2009, the House has passed a bill providing 13 additional weeks for those already receiving unemployment benefits. The Senate is considering a similar bill. If the Senate version passes, the two will go to conference. If the conference comes up with a bill that will pass both the House and Senate, it will go to the President for his signature or veto. Update President Obama signed into law an extension of unemployment benefits to June 2, 2010. See the Related Link below.

How does federalism for political and economic diversity among the states?

Officially, Johnson was impeached for violating the Tenure of Office Act, which had been passed over Johnson's veto, which prohibited the president from dismissing certain federal officials without Senate approval, and for denouncing Congress as unfit to legislate. But those reasons masked the issues that were more important to Congressional Republicans. Johnson had vetoed 20 Reconstruction bills and had urged southern legislatures to reject the 14th Amendment, guaranteeing equal protection of the laws. He had ordered African American families evicted from land on which they had been settled by the U.S. Army.

What happened on Black Tuesday in October of 1929?

The stock market went down even more. The economy fell. Answer: Tuesday, October 29, 1929 was 'Black Tuesday'. This was the last of the important days leading to the Wall Street Crash of 1929. After 'Black Thursday', 'Black Friday' and 'Black Monday'; Tuesday led to 16,000,000 being traded after huge losses were announced. This was due to loss of investor confidence. After then President Herbert Hoover did not veto the Hawley-Smoot Tariff, stock prices dropped even further. This drop would continue for months after. The market lost $14 billion in value on October 29. The total decrease for the week would be $30 billion.

Related questions

How many countries have veto power in world?

5 veto power countries in the world

What is right of veto?

If congress passes a bill the president has the right to "veto" or not pass it.

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Who uad the right to veto each other's decision?

the conculs had the right to veto others decisions

What five countries have veto power in the united nations?

China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, and United States

The right or power of a president or governor to reject bill in the legislature?

the right or power of a president or governor to reject bills

Which country does not have the veto power on the United Nations Security Council?

There are 15 countries that hold veto power in the UN. Any country NOT among the 15 doesn't have veto power.

What is right to refuse?

Ina nutshell, Veto.

What elected official has the right to veto?

Generally the chief executive of a governmental body has the right to veto a legislative measure; for example, the President, or a governor, or sometimes a mayor.

The veto power of the permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations is known as the veto right of?

the great powers

Who had the right to veto each other's decisions?


Who can veto in the UN?

most assemblies? no single country has definitive veto power, though they can still vote against resolutions. in the Security Council, however, 5 countries have the ability to veto a resolution and make in fail regardless of voting outcome. these countries are: Russia, China, France, the UK, and the US.