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Short answer: It does not work.

Longer answer:

  • The Communist ideal of a truly socialist system requires a government controlled economy.
  • The Socialist ideal is that all persons get what they need and all people give all they make
  • In practice this system wont work and attempts to MAKEit work mean that the government has to have total power over production and peoples lives.
  • This leads to massive inefficiencies and massive corruption.
  • The end result is a system where the government is a hugely unjust Dictatorship and the people are worth nothing.
  • A good Example is the Russian Communist Party was quickly taken over By Stalin as dictator and ended with a complete collapse of the Law and Order. There was no measurable "Ideal Socialist Period".

Last: The Socialist ideal is shown to not work but the Socialists idea that all people should be supported in a way that is humane is embodied in most countries as Welfare, Minimum levels of health care and other programs to insure that the disadvantaged are not abused and have the opportunity to improve their situation.

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Provides little incentive to improve the methods of production

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What is the economics system of most communist countries?

Historically, most Communist countries had planned economies (indicative of communist economic theory), but today, most Communist countries actually have capitalist economies with strong state presence.

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This will depend on where you live and what you believe . Some countries have communist states and others have capitalist states.

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No countries have or could have a Communist economic system. Communism is a classless stateless society based on production for use, with no money and no economy. Also, it would have to operate at a global level.

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Capitalism is the economic system currently replacing Communism in former Soviet countries.

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To maintain control of the economy and the people that live there.

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There is no member of the EEC that has adopted a communist economic system.

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Individuals can work to make profits in the communistic economy of China, as example. However, the Communist Politburo of China makes all major economic decisions. Major means of production are controlled by the leaders of the communist party. No other party but the communist party exists in China.

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Generally speaking, Communist countries have a horrible track record on questions of human rights, economic prosperity, social mobility, and internal stability.

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