

Why is Iran GDP so low?

Updated: 12/3/2022
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Q: Why is Iran GDP so low?
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Why is investment so important to GDP?

investment is part of output, so if we have a low investment, we will have a lower GDP holding all other factors constant.

Is it better to have a high GDP or a low GDP?

High GDP because it means more money.

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Because the the GDP is very modest.Because the GDP per capita is very low and the economy was destroyed after 1990 by the so called "democrats".

Is Romania's GDP high or low?

The GDP per capita in Romania is low; for 2009 was cca. 7 300 US $.

Is 85 billion good for a GDP?

Matters how big the country is, but the US GDP is about 15 trillion, so 85 billion is much, much smaller, Bill Gates at one point was worth 50 billion, so it is a relatively low number for GDP.

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This is because India is still a developing country.

Why do Saudi Arabia and Iran have a lower per capita GDP?

The question should specify whose GDPs per capita Saudi Arabia and Iran are being compared to. If it is the other Gulf Countries, the large relative populations of Iran and Saudi Arabia dilute the petroleum wealth in Saudi Arabia and Iran in GDP per capita calculations relative to the smaller Gulf Countries.

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Because when you divide their GDP by the number of Chinese people you get a small number. There are a LOT of people in China.

Why does china have a height GDP but a low capita GDP?

A relatively advanced developing economy of 1.3 billion people.

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No, Haiti wasn't the poorest country, but was definitely having economic troubles. Haiti has always had a low GDP and GDP per capita, but a moderate GDP growth rate and a considerably low debt rate.

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In terms of Military, Navy, Air Force, Iran is powerful. In terms of Economy, GDP, HDI, Resources, Saudi Arabia is much more powerful.

What are the effects of low real GDP?

core inflation rate