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Why you Need an email List & How to Start one.

Why you need an email list.

Do you remember the last time Facebook and Instagram went down and everyone talked about how “you don’t own your followers” and that you NEED an email list..? Everyone starts pushing their courses on email lists and trying to convince you why email is king. 

They’re not wrong, though. As annoying as that is for the few days that it is a hot topic for, they’re right about one thing. Email lists are essential for your business. According to this article, email marketing is up to 40x more effective than social media Posts.


Why is that? Well, it’s probably because only a small percentage of people actually see your posts on Facebook and Instagram. Not only that, but people aren’t always on Facebook to make purchases. This is not to say that they don’t, but I don’t think that is most people’s end game when they open the app. 

When people give you their email address, they’re giving you permission to slide right into their inbox and sell to them. 99% of consumers check their email every day, making it hard to miss that promotional email or special that you’re running this week. 99% of your Instagram followers or even your Facebook friends are not going to see your posts or stories. Thanks to the algorithm, only a fraction of people see your social media posts, making email marketing the most effective. Luckily, you don’t have to fight an algorithm to get into someone’s inbox. 

If you don’t have an email list, it’s time to start considering starting one. Whether it’s sending out the occasional sale, or a series of lessons, or a freebie, people want to hear from you. If you’re just getting started, here's the SYSTEM I strongly recommend to help you start and grow your list. 

I Found A New Viral Marketing System That Grows Your Email

List And Your PayPal / Stripe Account Like Wildfire! Click THE LINK IN MY BIO FOR DETAILS.

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