For math, you can use a calculator to save the time of working on paper. Of course, if you are asked to show your work, just copy your problem and answer on paper.
Small print: but if your parents catch you doing this, you are in serious trouble.
I find that the best way to get your homework done well is to:
1) Relax. Stressing out will make your work sloppy and you will not get it done fast.
2) Turn on some soft music like Classical. It will soothe you and will help you work better.
3) Fill a glass with cool drinking water. If you are hydrated you will feel refreshed and ready to work.
4) Make sure you have everything you need at hand. If you have things like a sharpened pencil, researching books (if its that sort of project) and any supplies you might need, you will find it much easier to get your work done- and quickly.
5) Get rid of any distractions. Doing things like turning off the TV, putting everything away, and making sure you don't have anything else you would need to do (like using the washroom, for example) will help to have an undisturbed, easy-going work session.
If you can do all that, you will be finishing your homework fast yet efficiently.
OR: Get off of the internet and just do it.
OR: Get off of the internet and just do it.
There is no way you can do your homework fast unless you do it diligently. But you could try out some of this methods.
Method 1:
Find out the if is there any things that distract you which lead you unto doing your homework slow. If there is, find a solution to stop your problem.
Problem: The area you are studying at is too noisy.
Solution: Move to a quieter area to do your homework.
Method 2:
Try listing the homework you have down on a piece of paper. Then, write the amount of time you think you can take to finish your homework. Set it as your target and try reaching it. The next time you used this method again, shortened the amount of time you took the previous time you try using this method. This may help you to do it much more faster.
Method 3:
Make a timetable. You may include your bathing time, playing time, but most importantly, you must remember to include your HOMEWORK TIME.
First of all, listen to what your teacher is explaining and look at the board, notes, or your books for reference. If you have a subject you struggle with, ask someone older than you what's confusing you. If that doesn't help, let's say your stuck on number 3 on math. JUST Google IT! Google will give you tons of answers. To get the fastest way, when you get home try and if it is too stressing... just watch some tv or text your friends. When you get things off your mind, try again.
Homework is not supposed to be really easy -- it's practice for what you need to learn in school! You should be challenged, but not totally overwhelmed.
Here are some ways to make it easier every day:
There are two components of getting homework done quickly: organization and thoroughness. First, keep your work as organized as possible. Keep old papers that the teacher has corrected, and use them to help you do future homework. Second, learn everything thoroughly. Although it seems to take longer, it eventually insures that you can whip through your homework faster than people who have not learned the material well and therefore have to look things up over and over. Learn it once, and learn it well, and you will save loads of time in the long run.
Many people feel the hours of study are the most important. However, students can study for hours on end and retain very little. The more appropriate question is, "how can students study more effectively?" Some issues students must consider are as follows. * Students need to develop good time management skills. They must realize there is a time to be in class, a time for study, time for family, time to socialize, and time to just be alone. The critical issue is recognition that there must be an appropriate balance. * Students should acquire a vision; A clearly articulate picture of the future they intend to create for them selves. This will promote a passion for what they wish to do. Passion is critical and leads to an intense interest, dedication, and commitment to achieving career goals and objectives. * The student must choose the best study schedule, a time they feel is comfortable, and in a place where there is little distraction. * The student must take notes on the subject matter and rehearse them frequently. * Students should not study hours on end. One should study 30 to 45 minutes then take a short break. Eat a snack, have a cup of coffee, play with the dog, etc., then return to study. This refreshes the mind, and often issues that may have been confusing before, become suddenly clear. * The student must develop good critical thinking skills, taking everything into consideration particular to the subject matter. * Students must not be afraid to ask for help when they have a problem understanding the subject matter. They need to do it immediately and not after days have gone by. They should not feel apprehensive to ask a faculty member, a friend, or go to the academic learning center at the school. Thus, it is not so much a question of hard study, but how to study in smart fashion. The bottom line is that the student must take responsibility and ownership over their study habits.
It depends on the student. Many students are able to do their homework quite efficiently and learn a lot from it. Others just goof around and don't really try, so their homework doesn't really help them much.
If your current homework takes an hour - more homework would take more than an hour. If your current homework takes 5 minutes - more homework might take less than an hour. It depends on current homework work load.
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they were able to work more efficiently
yes u do get more homework because the r much more stricter
Yes, watching TV while doing homework can decrease your focus and productivity, leading to a longer time to finish your work. It can be helpful to eliminate distractions like TV to complete tasks more efficiently.
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You could perform your tasks more efficiently if you planned them out before doing them. When you plan you are ready for anything.
8 homework
No, you can do homework for your entire life - just ask any teacher! They're not only doing homework making up the homework, but they're grading it after you do it and that's more homework!
Judging from your spelling and grammar, you could use a little more homework.
You get smarter by doing more problems. Homework gives you practice in whatever you're learning so you can learn more easily. It also helps you learn how to find information, which helps you to learn more. Doing homework also helps you learn how to set deadlines and meet them, and how to finish difficult tasks.