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tz like zz in Pizza

ch like kh in Khomeini


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Q: How do you say eternal in Hebrew?
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lev merutsah lanetsach (לב מרוצה לנצח)

How do you say eternal love in Arabic and Hebrew?

Eternal Love:Arabic = ħoubb 'abadi (حب ابدي)Hebrew = ahava nitskhit (אהבה נצחית)Note: The pronunciation of the Arabic varies greatly depending on dialect. There is only 1 dialect of modern spoken Hebrew.

What does eternal light mean in hebrew?

eternal light = nehr tameed (נר תמיד)

What is reborn in eternal life in Hebrew?

Chayei Olam

How do you write eternal in Hebrew?

nits'khi (ניצחי)

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lekhayim (לחיים)

How does one say Eternal Spring in Hebrew?

If you're talking about the season: aviv nitskhi (אביב נצחי) If you're talking about water: ma'yan nitskhi (מעין נצחי)

What does eternal love look like in Hebrew?

ahavah lanetsakh, אהבה לנצח

How do you say 'eternal' in Korean?

Eternal in Korean is this: 영원한

How do you say hand in Hebrew?

You say 'Yalda' in Hebrew

What is the Hebrew word for eternal?

einsof (אינסוף) or netsakh (נצח)

How do you say has in Hebrew?

Has in Hebrew is: YESH