Aap thikse apna sawal poochengeh?
Ya tho aap English mein boliyeh ya aap Hindi mein, ek bhasha se sawal kariyeh.
Apka sawal thoda confusing hogayah parneh pein.
I will answer your question to the best of my ability in English. (I apologize I do not have fair knowledge of Hindi so much. I am Bangladeshi raised in USA)
I understand that your sweet heart is a Muslim. My honey was a Muslim as well, and I am Hindu.
It wasnt a good idea to marry him because Islam is not a fair religion.
According to the Quran, a Muslim women is not allowed to marry a non Muslim. Especially a Hindu man (a kuffar or worshipper of idols). Hence, your Muslim sweet heart is not allowed to you. UNLESS .....you convert out of Hinduism change your name and become a Muslim. REad the following from the Quran. Chapter 2 Verse 221
" YUSUFALI: Do not marry unbelieving women (idolaters), until they believe: A slave woman who believes is better than an unbelieving woman, even though she allures you. Nor marry (your girls) to unbelievers until they believe: A man slave who believes is better than an unbeliever, even though he allures you. Unbelievers do (but) beckon you to the Fire. But Allah beckons by His Grace to the Garden (of bliss) and forgiveness, and makes His Signs clear to mankind: That they may celebrate His praise. "
As you can see, in the Quran, it says that marrying a Muslim slave is better than marrying a disbeliever of Islam.
NOw my friend. You have to decide. Is your love worth bigger than your dharm? Dharm is something you breathed since the day you were born. Is it something that you should leave for a girl you know less time than your dharm?
how to say love you in Cherokee Indian
Hamma Tenshai Kumcha How you say I love you in blackfoot Native American language
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You say "I love you"
iam say her that i love him so much
you say it by "be nok its fer ads" Source: Half Indian
There are about 450 Languages spoken in India and about 700 different Native American languages. But there is no such language as "Indian".
You can say "me te nui ngā mihi aroha" in Maori, which translates to "with much love."
To say "I love you very much" in Serbian, you would say "Volim te mnogo."
You would say "Nanchoo lava song" while you stare in there eyes!!!
I love you very much: Je t'aime beaucoup. (friendship) I love you very much: Je t'aime (love)
You can say "Mhojea tujea prem atam moth" in Konkani to express "I love you so much".