English: "oh" is German "o". Chrismas song: "O du fröhliche, o du selige ..."
oh nein
The German translation of Oh snap! is:Mist!Verdammt!
Oh je, deine Hosen brennen.
ANSWER Ach, mein Gott!
"Ozean," always capitalized because it is a noun and pronounced "oh-tsay-ahn."
oh my gosh is a minced oath version of oh my god. The latter would be Oh, mein Gott! in German, the former can't be translated, but you could use a rough equivalent.Ach, du meine Güte.Ach, du heiliger Bimbam.
That is not a coherent german sentence. But, loosely translated... "oh you are not german"
Entschuldigung? well if you say "oh, Entschuldigung" it means "oh, sorry", so basically sorry, or i apologize. but if you want to say "i'm sorry", its "tut mir leid". hope that helps! (:
Oh, I know! is Ach, ich weiß! in German.
Ah okay, ich höre dich laut und deutlich.
Oh, yes.
To say "oh my god" in French, you would say "oh mon dieu."