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English: "oh" is German "o". Chrismas song: "O du fröhliche, o du selige ..."

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Q: How do you say oh in German?
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How do you say oh no in german?

oh nein

How do you say oh snap in German?

The German translation of Oh snap! is:Mist!Verdammt!

How do you say 'oh goodness your pants are on fire' in German?

Oh je, deine Hosen brennen.

How do you say oh my god in german?

ANSWER Ach, mein Gott!

How do you say ocean in German?

"Ozean," always capitalized because it is a noun and pronounced "oh-tsay-ahn."

How do you say oh really in German?

oh my gosh is a minced oath version of oh my god. The latter would be Oh, mein Gott! in German, the former can't be translated, but you could use a rough equivalent.Ach, du meine Güte.Ach, du heiliger Bimbam.

What is oh du no deutsch in English?

That is not a coherent german sentence. But, loosely translated... "oh you are not german"

What does entschuldigen mean in German?

Entschuldigung? well if you say "oh, Entschuldigung" it means "oh, sorry", so basically sorry, or i apologize. but if you want to say "i'm sorry", its "tut mir leid". hope that helps! (:

What is the phrase 'Oh I know' when translated from English to German?

Oh, I know! is Ach, ich weiß! in German.

How do you say Oh ok I hear you loud and clear in German?

Ah okay, ich höre dich laut und deutlich.

Does German has a good weather?

Oh, yes.

HOW to say o your god in french?

To say "oh my god" in French, you would say "oh mon dieu."