

Best Answer

well i go there and its perty safe 2 me. my teacher said at night he sometimes hears weird noises. one time there was a sleepover held there on a friday. a few years ago tho. but if i was in new bridge at night i would probably pass out i would b so scared. and it used 2 b a jail. and the basement is scary as crap.soooo yeah. i dont really believe in ghosts but somethin is goin down in that basement. and the story below is obviously not true.

A answer with more info:

New Bridge Middle school in Jacksonville, NC is considered to be one of NC's haunted spots. A large, 1941-constructed school with tall windows and what appears to be imprints of bars on most windows, the school's basement is thought to be the site of prank gone wrong, a prank resulting in the death of school staff member followed by a cover-up by the school head principal that has bound the fates of all the resulting principals of the school.

When it opened in 1941, the school was known as Jacksonville High School. It later became Jacksonville Middle School. It recently was closed for a year and reopened as New Bridge Middle School. This most recent closing and reopening was an unsuccessful attempt by school officials to purge the school of a spirit trapped by his own inability to let go of of our world. While only a few know the real purpose of the school closing and reopening, the attempt was not successful.

Up through the early 1960s the school had an athletic complex in the basement, featuring locker rooms and athletic storage.

The story behind the spirit is that in October, 1947, a prank was played on a janitor called Thad. The janitor was tasked with the cleanup and lock-down of the school and basement after sports events. Thad was thought to be crazy by students and many staff members. Thad was a loner, no known family, and lived in the spare room of another staff member that had a trailer on the campus. Thad was often observed talking to himself, mumbling, yelling when no one else seemed to be around, and reacting wildly if he felt confined by walls or trapped by large groups. In the narrow hallways of the school, students would often make sport of clustering around Thad to see him react in Horror. Following a Friday night football game, 3 students who knew Thad's schedule decided to have some fun. With 3 access points to the basement, students and staff only used the entrance in the quad area. Following the game and the exit of the crowd and players, Thad began he usual rounds. He was always apprehensive of the final aspect of his rounds- the final clean up of the locker areas in the basement. Thad, a relatively tall man, already plagued with feelings of extreme claustrophobia, possessing we would now call indicators of mental processing deficits, was perhaps the least well-suited janitor for the end of event clean up tasks. The basement was (and still is) marked by a very low ceilings, no natural light, little ventilation... not a place that many enjoyed.

The 3 students decided to have some fun at Thad's expense. As Thad entered walked down the steps into the basement, one of the boys slammed shut the door and chained it. At the same time, another boy flipped the breaker causing an already dark basement to take on an even blacker tone. Thad, already nervous, became consumed with fear. The boys, first laughing, could only guess by the sounds from the basement what was going on. Thad ran blindly about the basement, smashing into things, screaming... As a rain-shower began and the screams became more frantic, the boys decided to flee the area and actually went to enjoy a film at the local movie house. The boys failed to understand Thad's fear and mental impairment. They had left two doors unchained. They assumed that Thad would eventually go to one of the other exits. Unfortunately, this didn't happen. Thad evidently slammed his head into a low pipe most likely knocking him out. The rare rainstorm above created some pooling of water in the quad that eventually flowed down to and flooded the basement. Not a significant flooding, but enough to drown Thad on that cold, dark slab.

As a matter of routine, the principal check on the school some time each weekend. That weekend he found Thad, dead in the basement. In one hand was a broken key, presumably a door key that he thought would get him out of the basement. In the other was a hand tool (over time, those that know this story have forgotten what kind of tool he had, but presumably it was a standard tool such as a hammer or screwdriver, something that would have been on his belt. While the death was a tragic mistake, the cover-up is part of what makes the story so intriguing.

The three pranksters weren't bad boys, just a bit mischievous. When they went home that night, they had a heaviness in their hearts that compelled them to go back and check on Thad, although much too late. When they arrived that Saturday they found the principal and Thad's dead body in the basement. The boys were from affluent homes. They came from good stock, uptown folks, some political types with aspirations to shape the growing town. Instead of making the appropriate notifications, the principal agreed to make it go away... he agreed to dispose of the loner's body and made a pact with the boys that the incident would never be spoken of again. In 1947, downtown Jacksonville didn't have viable disposal options.

The principal, with the help of one of the 3 boys, decided to carry the dead body to the school's furnace. They hefted the body into the metal furnace. While they knew it was wrong, Thad was dead- he had no one- and the boys still had a future. When the body was thrown in and the metal door that once contained the flames of a long since removed furnace, to their horror, the educator and his pupil heard a blood curdling scream. The principal threw the door open and found an almost unrecognizable form. A black, nearly skeletal hand reached out of the furnace and grabbed the principal... what they thought was a dead body uttered his last words, "Who are they?" As Thad quickly died, the principal pushed the remains back into the fire, stoked it, and left the room. The brick chimney which is still visible at the remodeled school, issued a putrid smoke that the men would not soon forget. With their pact in tact, the 3 boys and the principal entered into an unholy agreement of silence... an agreement that would not allow a spirit to rest.

Fearful that the boys might one day try to remove the principal, the only other "eye witness," he wrote an account of the story in a journal and sealed it. It remains in the office to this day. The journal contains the names of those that participated in what was a prank, and what became murder. Thad knew the principal could tell him the names. For several years, as night fell, if the principal was still in the school, he was confronted by an angry spirit that demanded to know "why are they?" The principal knew that it was his one ace in the hole, by not revealing the names, the spirit would not harm him. If he revealed the names, there nothing to stop Thad's dead spirit from ripping apart the complicit principal. The principal's silence provided for his safety and the safety of the boys, now men of advanced age.

The story died down for a few years after the incident. In the early 1960s, a teacher was hired that some believe was one of the three students who killed Thad. Known as "Mr. R" , he taught government and history on the main hall in the room over the main haunted basement. According to students at the time, he often complained of hearing noises that no one else could hear. Sometime he'd see things or accuse students of taking or moving his materials and possessions. His keys, planner, pencils, his bag and other small items would seemingly disappear which angered the man. For a lesson about the roaring 20s, Mr. R brought in an antique scale, a phonograph, a Golf club and some political memorabilia. Upon returning from lunch, all his artifacts were gone and he shared with the class his suspension that a spirit was attempting to get to him. Mr. R was in a romantic relationship with Miss M. Gates, an English teacher across the hall from Mr. R. She told friends that a spirit visited her. Both teachers were terminated in the following years as their behaviors became more and more erratic. They both began to form an intense desire to repetitively write words, hypergrapia. Students would enter their rooms and find the "notes" on the chalkboard consisting of one or two words written over and over again. Miss Gates left and wasn't heard from again. Mr. R. was institutionalized and was believed to suffer from a rare form of temporal lobe epilepsy and Geschwind's syndrome. Many former students have shared that in his last day as a teacher, he wrote, "I did it" on the front board dozens of times. If true, evidently Thad got his revenge by turning the man mad.

To this day hollow footsteps are heard, and a man with white hair is occasionally seen near and in the basement. Disturbances are especially common in a large classroom near the basement that once opened into its cold, now empty spaces. Noises are heard behind basement doors and in the former furnace room.

Under the school, the basement is seemingly the focal point of all the paranormal activity at the school. There have been reports of activity on the main floor and some night of strange, melancholy music echoing in the halls. Some suspect that the second floor was once Thad's primary area of responsibility and that he occasionally roams the halls looking for those that did him harm.

The atmosphere in the basement and at times at night on the second floor is reported to be oppressive and terrifying. Thad's ghost doesn't seem to know of the passage of time. He seeks out those that he thinks might know who did it, who killed him. And from principal to principal, the journal is passed, never to be opened, never to be revealed, but always kept as a bargaining chip in case it is needed.

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Michelle Arnwine

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Lilyana Song

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1y ago
i go to that school, and i see a lot of creepy things and think its Thadeous
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13y ago

Evidently so. The story is that someone was killed while walking alone in the halls, and investigators found no evidence at all. (Of course, such stories exist for several hundred middle schools in the US.)
South Middle School is not haunted but the school had the entire school in a different spot in 1920's and there is a bomb shelter under there now on top of it is a track.

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15y ago

If your talking about MN than yes. In the bathroom you hear a girl screaming when you turn on the middle sink, cold water. People have seen the girl fling the bathroom stall open too. I myself have heard the screaming and my friends say they heard screaming so loud that ... you get the picture.

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14y ago

i used to go there last year... and its not haunted.....but its pretty old, and sometimes creepy, but not haunted....the only really creepy place is the girls locker room....ewww cock roaches!!!!

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13y ago

I went to school there and I had never personally experienced anything but I had heard rumors that you can here banging from the sealed basement and sometimes on the second floor in the 7th/8th grade hall, doors will shut on their own.

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13y ago

New bridge middle school is haunted for sure. I am going there this year and during the day the doors creeks open. A guy died there and he haunts the school.

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12y ago

I have a friend that goes there she says that a girl died there she also says that she once saw a shadow on the it probably is haunted

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11y ago

I don't think RMS is haunted I am going there, and we'll see if it is haunted or not

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I go there now and that's all people talk about.

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Lilyana Song

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