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A problem with translation is that you have to rely on the translator to give the correct translation of the words. Some foreign languages have more than one meaning.

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Q: What are the problems of translation?
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What is the Problems of translation?

Some common problems in translation include accurately conveying meaning and nuance between languages, preserving cultural context, and maintaining tone and style. Other challenges may include dealing with idiomatic expressions, technical terminology, and linguistic nuances that do not have direct equivalents in the target language.

What are the problems with QA in video translation?

Missing or multiple translations The translation is not unified (the original text is unified but the translation is not unified; or the original text is not unified but the translation is unified) The translated text is exactly the same as the source text (it is likely to be omitted) Missing or mismatched tokens, mismatched numbers, mismatched spaces, mismatched punctuation The translation does not follow the glossary or does not follow the TM Is the timeline synchronized? Does the voice-over need to be processed?

Suggest some low cost automated translation software with accurate translation?

AnswerWell, getting accurate translation at low cost is no piece of cake. But the advancements in software technology and statistical approaches to automatic translation & NLP have made accurate translation possible. Some of these advanced language translation software like languageweaver are available as SaaS, making it easy on one's pocket. No capital expenses, no IT infrastructure developments and maintenance costs. Another answerSystran is quite good. Not sure of the price though. The problem with low cost automated translation is that it is never completely accurate and can cause problems with the translation. If it is for translating anything vital, I would recommend using a translation service such as Prestige Network.Google also offer a free service which may be helpful.

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How do you say 'Any problems please get in touch' in German?

Probleme sich bitte an is the translation in German. It is translated from English to German. German is mostly spoken in the European countries.

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Translation: I’m working hard and trying to maintain myself out of problems

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What is literary translation?

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What is the Hebrew translation for Elvin?

There is no Hebrew translation for Elvin.There is no Hebrew translation for Elvin.

How do I translate English to Amharic?

VoiceMonk is a well-known translation agency that provides Amharic Translation Services. Our services are Technical Translation, Academic Translation, Video Translation, Website Translation Service.