Ich fahre Rad means I cycle
36.8°C equals 98.24°F
Ich fahre auf der Autobahn nach Berlin I drive on the Autobahn to berlin.
What does Kayla mean in english
what does okinwana mean english
What mean in lazo in english
well it depends on what you mean by english if you mean english subtitles than YES, but if you mean spoken in english NO
What does oh a waste mean in English
what does numerous mean in English
The cast of Ich fahre Patschold - 1964 includes: Peter Capell as Doktor Trautbein Almut Eggert as Antjemarie Helga Feddersen as Frau Austerley Wera Frydtberg as Charlotte, seine Frau Walter Jokisch as Rainer Patschold Konrad Mayerhoff as Adolf Maass Ilsemarie Schnering as Frau Reiser Karyn von Ostholt as Gitta Priebe Tatjana Wrage
The question "Por que la pregunta mean in English" translates to "Why does the question mean in English?" in English.
what does maisiuchain mean in english