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To love in order to live, To live in order to love is an English equivalent of 'Amare per vivere, Vivere per amare'. This is just one of many possibilities in English. The phrase in Italian is pronounced 'ah-MAH-ray pehr vee-VEH-ray, vee-VEH-ray pehr ah-MAH-ray'.

The infinitive 'amare' means 'to love'. The preposition 'per' means 'to, in order to, for'. The infinitive 'vivere' means 'to live'.

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"To experience love. To laugh" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Vivere l'amore. Ridere. The present infinitive, masculine singular definite article and noun, and present infinitive model a hallmark difference between the two languages, whereby English employs no definite articles -- which therefore are not included in any Italian to English translations -- where Italian contrastingly may require them, as with l'("the") here. The pronunciation will be "VEE-vey-rey la-MO-rey REE-dey-rey" in Italian.

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12y ago

"Love, live and laugh" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Amare, vivere e ridere.

Specifically, the infinitive amare means "to love." The infinitive vivere means "to live." The conjunction e means "and." The infinitive ridere means "to laugh."

The pronunciation is "ah-MAH-reh vee-VEH-reh REE-deh-reh."

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12y ago

"Live, love and eat well" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Vivere, amare e mangiare bene.

Specifically, the infinitive vivere means "to live." The infinitive amare means "to love." The conjunction emeans "and." The infinitive mangiare means "to eat." The adverb bene means "well."

The pronunciation is "vee'VEH-reh ah-MAH-reh mahn-DJAH-reh BEH-neh."

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12y ago

"Live, laugh and love" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Vivere ridere e amare.

Specifically, the infinitive vivere means "to live." The infinitive ridere means "to laugh." The conjunction emeans "and." The infinitive amare means "to love."

The pronunciation is "vee-VEH-reh REE-deh-reh eh ah-MAH-reh."

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12y ago

"Live to love" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Vivere per amare.

Specifically, the infinitive vivere means "to live." The preposition per means "for." The infinitive amaremeans "to love."

The pronunciation is "VEE-veh-reh peh-rah-MAH-reh."

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11y ago

"To live the life that you love" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Vivere la vita che ami.

Specifically, the present infinitive vivere is "to live". The feminine singular definite article la means "the". The feminine noun vita means "life". The relative pronoun che means "that, which". The verb ami translates as "(I) am loving, do love, love".

The pronunciation will be "VEE-vey-rey lah VEE-tah key AH-mee" in Italian.

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12y ago

"Live in love" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase vivere nell'amore.

Specifically, the infinitive vivere means "to live." The word nell' combines the preposition in with the masculine singular definite article il to mean "in the." The masculine noun amoremeans "love."

The pronunciation is "vee-VEH-reh nehl-lah-MOH-reh."

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Q: What is 'Amare per vivere Vivere per amare' in English?
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What is 'Vivere per amare e amare per vivere' when translated from Italian to English?

"Live to love and love to live" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Vivere per amare e amare per vivere. The present infinitive, preposition, present infinitive, conjunction, present infinitive, preposition, and present infinitive also translate into English as "To live in order to love and to love in order to live." The pronunciation will be "VEE-vey-rey pey-a-MA-rey a-MA-rey per VEE-vey-rey" in Italian.

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To live and to love is an English equivalent of 'per vivere ed amare'. In the word by word translation, the preposition 'per' means 'in order to'. The infinitive 'vivere'means 'to live'. The conjunction 'ed' means 'and'. The infinitive 'amare' means 'to love'. The phrase is pronounced 'pehr VEE-veh-ray* eh dah-MAH-ray'.**The sound 'ay' is similar to the sound 'ay' in the English noun 'ray'.

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Vivere, amare, combattere is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Live, love, fight."Specifically, the infinitive vivere means "to live." The infinitive amare means "to love." The infinitive combattere means "to fight."The pronunciation is "VEE-veh-reh ah-MAH-reh KOHM-baht-THE-reh."

How do you say live and love without regret in Italian?

You say "Vivere e amare senza rimpianti".

What is the Italian translation of 'Love live and laugh'?

Amare, vivere e ridere are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Love, live and laugh."Specifically, the infinitive amare means "to love." The infinitive vivere means "to live." The conjunction e means "and." The infinitive ridere means "to laugh."The pronunciation is "ah-MAH-reh vee-VEH-reh REE-deh-reh."

How do you say 'Live and love' in Latin?

It's 'vivo et amo'.The person above me is partially correct - 'vivo et amo'would mean 'I live and I love.'To live and to love would be 'vivere et amare.'Live and love (as a command) would be 'vive et ama.'

What is the Italian translation of 'Live to love'?

Vivere per amare is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Live to love."Specifically, the infinitive vivere means "to live." The preposition per means "for." The infinitive amaremeans "to love."The pronunciation is "VEE-veh-reh peh-rah-MAH-reh."

What does per vivere eamare mean?

'In order to live and love' is an English equivalent of 'per vivere e amare'. It used to be that the conjunction 'e' ['and'] was written 'ed' before a word beginning with a vowel. Such isn't the case nowadays. The phrase is pronounced 'pehr VEE-veh-reh ah-MAH-reh'.

What is the Italian translation of 'Live love and eat well'?

Vivere, amare e mangiare bene is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Live, love and eat well."Specifically, the infinitive vivere means "to live." The infinitive amare means "to love." The conjunction emeans "and." The infinitive mangiare means "to eat." The adverb bene means "well."The pronunciation is "vee'VEH-reh ah-MAH-reh mahn-DJAH-reh BEH-neh."

What is the difference between the Italian words 'Vivere ridere amare' and 'Vivi ridi ama'?

The first phrase "Vivere ridere amare" is the infinitive form of verbs in Italian, meaning "to live, to laugh, to love." The second phrase "Vivi ridi ama" is the imperative form, which is used to give commands or make requests, meaning "live, laugh, love." The difference is that the first phrase is a general statement about the actions of living, laughing, and loving, while the second phrase is a direct command to someone to live, laugh, and love.

How do you say 'live love laugh' in Italian?

live= viere love= ridere laugh= amara I speak Italian since my whole family id Italian. Hope this helps.

What is the latin translation of love for God?

The Latin equivalent of the English sentence 'To live is to love God' is the following: Vivere est amare Deum. The word-by-word translation is as follows: 'vivere' means 'to live'; 'est' means '[it] is'; 'amare' means 'to love'; and 'Deum' means 'God'. The pronunciation is the following: VEE-veh-ray ehst ah-MAH-ray DAY-oom.