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Q: What is the German word for village person?
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How do you say village in German?

The word village in German is pronounced 'Dorf'

What is 'village' in foreign languages?

The English word village translates to pueblo in Spanish and villaggio in Italian. In German the word for village is Dorf.

What does the German word Dockendorf mean?

Docken - dock dorf - village Combining them, either village dock or village with a dock. Likely, it is the only nearby village with dock access.

How you say 'lap' in German?

If you mean lap in a sporting sense, the German word is Runde. If you mean the lap of a person, then the German word is Schoß

What is in the name schulze?

"Schulze" is a German surname derived from the Middle High German word "schultheize," meaning "village headman" or "magistrate." It is a common surname in Germany and may indicate an ancestor who held a position of authority or leadership in a village or town.

What is village in German?


What does Stobner mean in German?

The name Stobner may not be German or the name may be so old that it has lost its meaning. Stobner is not a German word. The closest German word is stieben which means to bustle about. It is quite possible that the name comes from a village or region that had the name Stobn or Stobner.

What is the area of German Village Historic District?

The area of German Village Historic District is 1,821,085.39008 square meters.

What is the word village in french?

The word "village" in French is "village."

What is the German word for a German person?

A German could say of himself, "Ich bin deutsch," using the adjective for German; or "Ich bin ein Deutscher" using the noun. National adjectives do not start with a capital letter in German, but nouns do.

What is the web address of the German Village Society in Columbus Ohio?

The web address of the German Village Society is:

What is a village idiom?

I think you mean village idiot - that would be the mentally deficient person that every village was said to have one of. The word idiot wasn't always such an insult as it is today.