The word village in German is pronounced 'Dorf'
The English word village translates to pueblo in Spanish and villaggio in Italian. In German the word for village is Dorf.
Docken - dock dorf - village Combining them, either village dock or village with a dock. Likely, it is the only nearby village with dock access.
If you mean lap in a sporting sense, the German word is Runde. If you mean the lap of a person, then the German word is Schoß
"Schulze" is a German surname derived from the Middle High German word "schultheize," meaning "village headman" or "magistrate." It is a common surname in Germany and may indicate an ancestor who held a position of authority or leadership in a village or town.
The name Stobner may not be German or the name may be so old that it has lost its meaning. Stobner is not a German word. The closest German word is stieben which means to bustle about. It is quite possible that the name comes from a village or region that had the name Stobn or Stobner.
The area of German Village Historic District is 1,821,085.39008 square meters.
The word "village" in French is "village."
A German could say of himself, "Ich bin deutsch," using the adjective for German; or "Ich bin ein Deutscher" using the noun. National adjectives do not start with a capital letter in German, but nouns do.
The web address of the German Village Society is:
I think you mean village idiot - that would be the mentally deficient person that every village was said to have one of. The word idiot wasn't always such an insult as it is today.