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I took this from Wiki as it describes the words etymology best;

Theories about the source of the word are:

Latin Base:In latin based languages the word Abre or Abri means "To Open" and a Cadaver is a corpse.

So the incantation that is used in these old movies and Cartoons is a litteral Spell Phrase taken from the Occult practice of Necromancy... "To Open the Corpse"

This practice was connected with "reading the entrails" as well as other forms of sorcery, necromancy and witchcraft.

Aramaic Base:

"I create as I speak"A possible source is Aramaic: אברא כדברא avra kedabra which means "Creating as speaking" which is thought to be in reference to God creating the universe (in some belief systems, ex nihilo, most notably the Abrahamic religions), by speaking (see also Fiat Lux). An alternative spelling is avda K'Davarah. One may also view it as "I transgress as I speak" in the Aramaic עבריה כדבריה which is phonetically closer.

However, it seems likely that abracadabra is older and that it derives from one of the Semitic languages, though nobody can say for sure, because there is no written record before Serenus Sammonicus. Some suggested theories regarding its source: [1]

  • It's from the Aramaic phrase avra kehdabra, meaning "I will create as I speak".
  • The source is three Hebrew words, ab (father), ben (son), and ruach acodesch (holy spirit).
  • It's from the Chaldean abbada ke dabra, meaning "perish like the word".
  • It originated with a Gnostic sect in Alexandria called the Basilidians and was probably based on Abrasax, the name of their supreme deity (Abraxas in Latin sources).
The curse and the pestilenceThere is the view that Abracadabra derives from the Hebrew, ha-brachah, meaning "the blessing" (used in this sense as a euphemism for "the curse") and dabra, an Aramaic form of the Hebrew word dever, meaning "pestilence." They point to a similar kabbalistic cure for blindness, in which the name of Shabriri, the demon of blindness, is similarly diminished. Other scholars are skeptical of this origin and claim that the idea of diminishing the power of demons was common throughout the ancient world, and that Abracadabra was simply the name of one such demon.
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