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Hinduism, Buddhism, judaism, and Christianity are the main four

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Q: What religions are studied in a World Religions class?
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How many religions trace their origins to Hinduism?

only 1. i just studied this is history class, India's religion is Hinduism. china's religion is Buddhisium.

Can students talk about religions in class?


Was colonial South Carolina acceptant of different religions?

yes they believed that all religions could be praticed and they were acceptant off every religions?from history class>bree

Is a public school teacher permitted to offer a class comparing the world's religions?

Actually no they can not if it is a public school

What did Muslim astronomers think about the ptolemaic system of astronomy?

Stop asking the same things I need for my World Religions class :(

Will it take many years for other religions to find mainstream acceptance in the US?

The term "other religions" is ambiguous. In the US and most of the western world there are Christians, Jews, Moslems, Mormons, Buddhists, Hindus, Wiccans, Native religions, Voodoo, Spiritualism, Scientology and many others. References to aspects of these religions and their beliefs are easily understood by most literate people. Practices of the religions (meditation, yoga, statues of the founders) are common even when divorced from the actual religious beliefs. All of these factors would class as mainstream acceptance to most observers.

What religion has reincarnation and caste system?

Jainism. My world religions class did a project on different religions, and i remember that Jainism included the Karma and Reincarnation.. Aupmanyav adds: Hinduism also connects karma with caste in reincarnation.

Is calothic a religion by its self?

Yes it is. It is a specific religion with its own governing body, moral teachings, and followers. Christianity, of which Catholicism is, can be defined as a class of religions that profess Christ as the savior of the world.

Did the Christians burn Rome?

No. Nero hated chrisians and wanted to have an excuse to hurt them. I don't know if it is exactly like this, but I think he ordered his soldiers to do it and then blame the christians. They were persecuted by many in Rome back then.

Should faith based classes be taught in school?

Yes, if that is what the guidelines and ethos of the school are and what type of school it is. If the class is promising learning about world religions then it shouldn't involve worship. If the class is outlined as a worship class then its fine. I think its ok as long as everyone in the class is comfortable with what is being done.

Where can you get a degree in Islam?

I think you need a degree in some sort of religions social class or something. You can;t get it for JUST islam.

What is polytheism's main belief?

polytheism is not a religion. It is rather a class of religions. polytheistic religions believe in existence of more than two gods or godesses, while dualism believes in two gods and monotheism in one god. poly- many in greek, theos- belief in greek