The Point Pelee National Park is located inLeamington, Canada. The address for this national park is 407 RR1 Monarch Lane, Leamington, ON N8H 3V4, Canada.
What is the latitude of Point Pelee Island in Ontario, Canada?
Point Pelee National Park was created in 1918.
Point Pelee is not an island; it is part of the mainland. You were probably thinking of Pelee Island, which is in western Lake Erie, almost 20 miles south of Point Pelee. Pelee Island is Canada's southernmost community, with about 300 permanent residents. The southernmost place in Canada is the uninhabited Middle Island, a few miles further south. If you Google "Pelee Island" you will find several useful websites.
Point Pelee in Ontario is the southernmost point of mainland Canada, while Pelee Island, also in Ontario, is the southernmost inhabited point in Canada.
It is located in the West indies!
it's located in martinique.
No. It is i the West Indies.
mount pelee is located in the west indies on an island Caribbean on martinique and it has not erupted since 1929.
No, Mount Pelee is not a Hawaiian volcano. It is a volcanic mountain located on the Caribbean island of Martinique. Mount Pelee is known for its explosive eruptions, such as the 1902 eruption that destroyed the town of Saint-Pierre.
The most southerly part of Canada is Middle Island. It is located in Lake Erie, just 100 meters from the Canada-US Border, between Pelee Island, Canada, and Sandusky, USA. Pelee Island is the southernmost inhabited part of Canada, and Point Pelee is the southernmost part of mainland Canada. There is archaeological evidence of aboriginal occupation of Middle Island dating back 2,500 years. It played a small role in the Underground Railroad, and was prominent as a "rum-running" haven during Prohibition. Middle Island is uninhabited, and is not open to visitors. It was purchased by the Nature Conservancy of Canada in 1999 from private American owners and is now part of Canada's Point Pelee National Park.