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Meip Gies

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Q: Who was Otto Frank's former secretary?
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Who is Anne Franks's dad?

The name of Anne Franks dad is Otto Frank.

What was miep gies relationship with otto frank?

Miep Gies worked with Otto Frank as his secretary before the Frank family went into hiding. Miep helped the Frank family hide. She also found Anne Franks diary after they were arrested and gave it to Otto.

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otto's wife was called edith

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What is Otto Franks nickname?

anne called otto frank pim.

What was the name of Anne Franks dad?

Otto mcfinchyhineser

What did miep gies do for a living?

Otto Franks assistant.

What is Anne Franks's dad's name?

Otto Frank

Did Anne Franks mom survive the war?

No, unfortunatly not but Anne franks dad, Otto, did he published annes diary.

How did miep know Otto frank?

Miep was Otto Frank's secretary.

How did Miep Gies become a good family friend to the Franks?

Miep began as Otto's quality control expert for Opekta, and soon became his secretary. She was smart and personable, and the whole Frank family was fond of her. Soon, Otto and Edith were inviting her and her fiance, Jan Gies to Sunday coffee.